Shadow Labyrinth is a 2D action platformer and a genre-twisting alternate take on the iconic Pac-man. The game follows the events introduced in the Secret Level animated short. As Swordsman No. 8, awoken by a floating yellow orb, Puck, on an alien planet amidst relics of wars and monsters past, you are chosen to become the instrument of its will.
To survive, you will discover many secrets, consume your enemies, and grow from prey to the apex predator as you embrace your true purpose. Players traverse a maze-filled world where enemies and puzzles new and familiar will challenge them at every step. Success comes from mastery of fluid combat and exploration to uncover increasingly powerful abilities and skills and conquering challenging bosses to discover their true purpose.
Key Features:
- Discover a World of Secrets: Search the remnants of an age-old intergalactic conflict, started long before your arrival, and discover new powers and abilities. Use them to traverse an alien world as you battle dangerous creatures and evolved monstrosities.
- Become the Apex Predator: Master the fluid combat and combine powerful skills to create a playstyle of your own. Use different playstyles to turn the tables on your enemies as you consume them and grow from prey to apex predator.
- Embrace Your True Purpose: Team up with PUCK, and dive deeper into the maze of a mysterious alien world. Find out the truth behind your presence in this world, what does PUCK want and why it chose you.
Shadow Labyrinth is coming to Nintendo Switch, PC (Steam), PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X|S in 2025.
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