Dragon Ball: Sparking! Zero is the first entry in the series since Dragon Ball Z: Budokai 3 released in 2007 on PS2
Dragon Ball: Sparking! Zero brings the series forward to a new era by harnessing the power of Unreal Engine 5 and pushing the envelope for gameplay and features in an arena brawler. Dragon Ball: Sparking! Zero also brings the franchise back to the original Japanese naming convention, where the original Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi was titled Dragon Ball Z: Sparking!
The game’s gravity-defying fights promise to ‘shake the earth, break the heavens’, with each Dragon Ball character’s signature destructive powers and Ki abilities showcased in stunning detail with damage capable of destroying entire parts of the arena.
Engage in exhilarating battles with exceptional visual fidelity, fighting arenas with destructible environments, and an incredible roster of Dragon Ball fighters.
The Android and Cell sagas are iconic arcs in Dragon Ball Z that follow the Z Fighters as they face off against powerful androids created by Dr.Gero, the mastermind behind the Android Saga and the ultimate life form, Cell, with the sole purpose of eliminating Goku and his allies.
From Goku's rise to legendary battles, experience some of the epic clashes that defined the franchise. This trailer features iconic villains like Mecha Frieza, King Cold, Android 17 and Android 16, leading up to the ultimate showdown with Cell as Gohan strives to prevent Earth's destruction.
Additionally, Dragon Ball: Sparking! Zero will include Cell in the roster along with all of his Dragon Ball Z forms: First Form, Second Form, and Perfect Form.
Dragon Ball: Sparking! Zero is coming exclusively to PS5, Xbox Series X|S, and PC (Steam) on October 11, 2024.
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