Amidst the ruins of a post-apocalyptic Japan, genetically re-engineered dinosaurs have survived humans and become the dominant species. Ancient primal instincts ignite modern tribal wars, and the ultimate survivors must navigate a world where the balance of power has shifted in ways no one could have foreseen.
Kyōryū is built in Unreal 5 to fully utilize high fidelity visuals not just within the game performance, but also to push the boundaries of the in engine cinematics.
Punching above their weight, Floating Rock Studio’s tiny and powerful team of ~25 is bringing to life a bold vision of a narrative driven, artful world, of Kyōryū.
“The most exciting thing about making a game is being able to explore a unique world of dinosaurs, and actually BEING a dinosaur,” commented Benjamin Mulot, Creator of Kyōryū.
Players will control Tori, the little Samurai T-Rex, that is passionate about the extinct humans- directly inspired by Benjamin’s fascination for dinosaurs.
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