StarRupture (previously known as Chimera) is an ambitious cross between base building, exploration, combat, and managing resources on an alien but oddly familiar terraformed planet torn by a catastrophic cycle of destruction caused by its titular star. Creepy Jar looks forward to sharing more information with players in the months to come.
Being built in Unreal Engine 5, StarRupture is a story of man versus nature set against an otherworldly and breathtaking sci-fi environment where elemental cataclysms of extreme heat and cold loom as a constant danger. The player takes up the mantle as a convict exiled from the Earth to serve their sentence by mining and expanding industrial production alongside researching new technology on a seemingly hospitable new planet rife with mystery and danger. Tasked with surviving the waves of fiery inferno or extreme cold—not to mention facing down against hostile enemy monsters in tense combat—each cycle spells destruction yet ushers in a new era of growth and rebuilding. Whether solo or as part of an up-to-4-player co-op experience, players will explore, adapt, mine, gather resources, and build complex machinery in order to survive and prosper.
Though by definition it is a base-building simulator, StarRupture is much more. The game will invite players to push beyond, to stay resilient and sharp against every assault, building and forming prior to the cycling eviscerating conditions on an otherwise beautiful planet. For fans of builders, management, sci-fi action, and combat StarRupture will challenge all comers to utilize the technology at their fingertips and weather both the extremities and fierce enemies in order to survive and create a prosperous industrial complex.
The year is 2201 and your sentence begins now.
Creepy Jar reveals a deep look inside the gameplay and mystery of StarRupture.
In addition, Creepy Jar is also excited to reveal that players will be able to experience StarRupture in Steam Early Access this Autumn!
Explore the lush and beautiful landscape of a seemingly unassuming planet, but stay observant! In a relentless cycle of life, death, and rebirth it’s only a matter of time before Ruptura wipes the surface clean in a fiery rage as it has countless times before. Bear witness to the revival of the landscape as after every rupture, life springs forth anew with foliage shaking off the leftover ashes and reaching for the sky once more. Each cycle allows the player to explore new secrets or gather rare resources.
What other mysteries lie ahead? Exploration will reveal there is much more to this planet than meets the eye. Who walked these lands before you? What happened to them? Observe the remnants of previous expeditions and learn about their fate as you desperately try to survive in StarRupture.
Key Features:
- Explore a Deadly Planet - Explore this vast open world, rich in resources, places, and secrets to be found. Discover the beauty of this constantly reborn dangerous world torn apart by repeated cataclysms.
- Build to Thrive - Search, mine, and process resources to develop your complex industrial system. Unlock new technologies that will allow you and your base to survive the harsh conditions on the planet.
- Fight to Survive - The planet will surprise you at every turn. Extreme temperatures are not the only things you’ll be challenged with. Get ready to defend yourself, your team, and your base from a horde of aggressive alien creatures.
- Alone or with Friends - Experience and survive everything you encounter on this harsh planet. Do it alone or in a group of up to 4 friends. This world is waiting for you to discover.
StarRupture is in development for PC (Steam), coming to Steam Early Access in Fall 2025..
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