The year is 2054. Humans have fled Earth amid a destructive intergalactic war. As one of the survivors and a member of the New Los Angeles (NLA) colony, it’s your mission to help build a new home on the sprawling, hostile planet of Mira. Explore this seamless open world across five otherworldly continents teeming with unknown creatures – some of which are epic in scale – and fight for the future of humanity.
Xenoblade Chronicles X: Definitive Edition features your character at the center of the action in a standalone sci-fi story. Customize your avatar’s looks and class to your liking and choose from a wide variety of options in a comprehensive battle system that’s as deep as you want it to be. Once you have proven yourself to the BLADE organization, you can also unlock a powerful Skell: Your giant, customizable mech that’s proficient in exploration and combat to assist you in your adventures across Mira.
While you go about the reconstruction effort, you’ll get to know the people of NLA, help them with their problems, and build affinity with your party members to unlock quests that contain rare gear and other rewards to earn. Plus, join an online squad and take on multiplayer-specific missions, including extra-challenging Global Nemesis Battles! You can even recruit the avatars of other players to your team in the main story.
Mira is a sprawling alien world filled with vast oceans, expansive grassy plains, towering mountain ranges, exotic jungles and more – each with their own secrets to discover and threats to face. Move seamlessly around the surface of the planet and explore many huge areas, watch their ecosystems come to life, and encounter a range of unfamiliar, gargantuan beasts that can be battled to gain valuable resources. Once you have proven yourself to BLADE, you can even unlock your own Skell: a powerful exoskeleton that can fly, transform into a vehicle for fast overland travel and wield immense strength in combat.
Players who purchase the digital version of Xenoblade Chronicles X: Definitive Edition on Nintendo eShop or My Nintendo Store* before April 6 will receive the in-game Exploration Support Pack. Additionally, players who purchase the physical or digital versions of the game from GameStop** will receive a code for the pack, redeemable on Nintendo eShop. The Exploration Support Pack contains the following bonus items:
- 100,000 credits
- Melee weapon: Advanced Iron Knife
- Ranged weapon: Advanced Storm Assault Rifle
- Survival armor series: Survival Goggles, Survival Bodywear, Survival Glove R, Survival Glove L, Survival Footwear
- Six weapon augments: Melee Accuracy Up I, Ranged Accuracy Up I, Melee Attack Up I, Ranged Attack Up I, Theroid Slayer I, Secondary CD Reducer I
- Five armor augments: Max HP Up I, Max TP Up I, Evasion Up I, Potential Up I, Physical Resistance Up I
Xenoblade Chronicles X: Definitive Edition is available to pre-order right now. Nintendo Switch Online members*** can also save on this title and select digital games with Nintendo Switch Game Vouchers****.
Key Features:
- Riding and controlling a weaponized mech, players can explore every inch of the massive open world displayed in gorgeous high-definition graphics. The world is filled with strange and imaginative creatures, from small bugs to giant dinosaurs.
- As characters improve in different classes, they will learn new combat and defensive skills, or Arts. Players can customize the Arts palette as their characters learn new Arts. All Arts have a “recast” time – once cast, the player must wait out a “cooldown” period before that Art can be used again.
- Players can customize everything about the main character’s appearance, including gender, shapes, height, skin color, voice and tattoos.
Xenoblade Chronicles X: Definitive Edition is coming to Nintendo Switch on March 20, 2025.
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