Originally the name of the developers' World of Warcraft guild 17 years ago, they have now taken their name to new heights with the founding of Notorious Studios. Establishing their first new IP, Notorious brings true gaming pedigree and engaging fantasy action-combat to a core class fantasy multiplayer epic.
Set within the realm of Mithrigarde, this lush world is now enveloped in a mysterious fog and only brave heroes can venture forth and claim the lost treasures of a fantasy world gripped by ancient evil.
Players will choose from a range of traditional fantasy classes and strike out into a world torn apart by war. Plunge axes into the skulls of goblins, shoot spells at enormous ogres, and fight against hordes of monsters to reclaim the riches of this forgotten land.
Combat has been designed from the ground up for PvP. Feel the impact of your attacks and use your abilities to carve out the flow of battle. Quick decisions and precision are necessary to win. In the wilds, the spoils go to the victor. The world is more real when everyone's hard-earned loot is on the line. Victories are savored while defeat hardens resolve.
But it’s not just fantastical creatures standing in their way, other heroes will be standing between them and glory. Players will be forced to grab what they can and battle their way to the safety of Stonehaven, where they can stock up on supplies, upgrade their lodgings and relax with others before embarking on their next adventure. Respite awaits behind the stone walls of the city. Fortify your elixirs and armaments at shops. Rest in your private room at the inn, organize your stash, and cook a meal for the next adventure.
Notorious Studios announced that Legacy: Steel & Sorcery is now available through Steam Early Access, and will remain so for at least another 12 months.
This first update will help to balance combat among the existing heroes, giving ranged attackers more of an edge over their initially overwhelming melee counterparts. Additional fixes for bugs will also help Legacy: Steel & Sorcery to run smoother ahead of its Summer update, which will see the arrival of a spell-tacular wizard! A magic-wielding nightmare for their enemies, they will not be one to miss!
Alongside the Wizard, the upcoming Summer patch will include:
- New Map: Dungeon - Smaller, closed-quarter dungeon map with more challenging encounters and higher quality loot.
- Goblin Pawn Shop - If players lose their gear during an Adventure, the Goblins may scavenge it and sell it back to them — for a price.
- New Social Space: Queue Goldbrook solo or with a squad, try out their skills on the test dummies or each other in the dueling area.
- More Progression: New Lodge modules like the Transmutation Device that allows players to transform one item into another, and the Critter Habitat that holds their critters and generates special resources.
Early Access - Update #2 Patch Notes
General Changes
Combat AI
- You can now delete and rename characters by right-clicking on the character select screen
- Enemies will now always try to return back to their spawns at maximum leash range.
- This should feel like enemies have a shorter leash range.
- Fixed an issue where taunted Enemies would remain attacking the downed player who taunted them
- Fixed an issue where some Enemies would consider downed or dead targets as threats
- Fixed an issue where Enemies would change targets in the middle of an ability
- Mor'Thog's goblin allies will now wait for Mor'Thog to call them
Weapon SwappingAfflictions
- When switching weapons through the Inventory, the Cooldown of Weapon Skills will activate, and refresh
Developer Note: Switching weapons mid-fight through the inventory screen is unintended gameplay that we don't expect every player to master in order to succeed. It is also intended to be a unique trait for the Warrior class. This is the start of figuring out how to discourage this type of gameplay.Hemorrhage
- Doubled the time per tick
- Doubled damage per tick
- Reduced Max Health Frostbite damage to 25%, down from 30%
- Limited the maximum damage frostbite can deal when applied to Huge targets to 5% of Max Health, instead of 25%
- Fixed several bugs that could cause players to get stuck in a slow walk state.
- Auto Run is now cancelled when interacting with a loot chest.
Developer Note: We're aware of the source of this issue; a more systemic fix will be added in a future patch.- Block now breaks when the value hits zero, fixing issues with being able to hold it indefinitely at zero
- Reduced bonus damage during Enrage to 10%, down from 15%
Iron Grip
Battle Frenzy
- Reduced tap distance to 7.5 meters, reduced the fully charged distance to 15 meters
Raging Shout
- Now removes Incapacitate on cast as described
Chain Pull
- Changed the Unstoppable aura to an Unblockable one to better indicate that the status effect application pierces block
- Fixed an issue where the Incapacitate effect was piercing Evade frames
- Fixed a white box appearing when using Chain Pull
- Unstoppable has been removed from the first two normal attacks
- Slightly reduced the width of the Evade Attack hitbox
- Removed the Incapacitate effect from the Evade Attack when hitting targets into an object
Mace & Shield
- Slowed down the Light Power Attack by 20%
- Decreased damage of the Light Power Attack by 20%
- Slowed down Heavy attacks 2 and 3 by 10%
- Fixed an issue where the Axe appeared to have 8 Block
- Reduced the Flatten time on the full charged Heavy attack to 1 second, down from 1.75 seconds
- Reduced physical damage reduction stat increase to 1% per tier, down from 2%
- Spread out the hemorrhage buildup on the mace and shield normal attacks instead of all of it being on the final shield hit, they are now as follows
- Attack 1 - 75 buildup
- Attack 2 - 100 buildup
- Attack 3 - 125 buildup
- Attack 4 - 300 buildup
- Fixed an issue where the quake aftershock would occur after switching weapons (which means you no longer have the Perk active)
- Fixed an issue where quake after shock would happen after cancelling the skill, before the impact happened
- Improved the performance of the Quake VFX
- Reduced damage per ear from 10% to 2%
- Increased stack limit to 5
Developer Note: This trait was overtuned and had to be brought down. We are continually to monitor Executioner and will make more adjustments as necessary.
Anchored Chain
Killing Spree
- Taking any action will cancel the window for activating the anchored chain
- Anchored chain animation now has a queue for actions
- Cancelling out of the anchored chain animation should happen at the end of it
- Fixed the tether appearing as a white box
Pain Management
- Rage gained is now different values depending on the difficulty of the enemy killed as follows
- Normal Mob - 20 Rage
- Elite Mob - 30 Rage
- Player - 40 Rage
- Special Mob - 60 Rage
- Fixed an issue where Killing Spree was getting triggered from destroying Beetles, Sentinel Birds, Divine Mirrors, and any Destructibles
- Percentage of max health applied as an absorb shield reduced to 10%, down from 15%
Bonecracker Shoulders
Ironspike Menace
- Fixed an issue where Charge distance was getting increased with the shoulders
Skullcrusher Deathball
- Fixed the Iron Grip distance increase to be 50% instead of 100% as described
- Fixed tooltip to display 25% crit chance
Teleport Effects
- Fixed an issue where the Long Evade would combo into another Long Evade, instead of the Short one
- Teleports no longer remove Roots, but the teleport still works
- Pickpocket is now disabled on invisible targets
- Fixed an issue where players could duplicate items using Pickpocket
Phantom Veil
- Invisibility increased to 2 seconds, up from 1
- Invisibility increased to 1.5 seconds, up from 1
- Adrenaline increased to 4 granted after landing the grapple, up from 3
Weapons Daggers
- Fixed an issue where Rogues could be stuck in the creep state without stealth if they activated the ability while consuming an item.
Class Tools
- Cheap Shot
- The stun no longer pierces Evade frames
- Changed the Unstoppable aura to an Unblockable one to better indicate that the status effect application pierces Block
- Spider Bite
- Doubled the physical damage dealt
- Added some missing skill cancel windows to the tap, and half charged, version of the attack
- Fixed other classes being able to use Rogue Class Tools items.
Smoke Bomb
- Fixed Poison Dart impact damage to what it was supposed to be from the last patch
- Projectile speed increased to 60 meters per second, up from 30
- Fixed an issue where darts could be rapidly fired
- Fixed an issue where the Paralyzing Dart Incapacitate could Pierce Block and Evade
- Fixed an issue where Rogue's Smoke Bomb would appear to use 2 stacks of the smoke bomb item, when in fact it used 1
- Fixed an issue where Energy Regen was halved when performing any attack
Sentinel Strike
- Fixed an issue where the tap version of Sentinel Strike had double the projectile lifespan
Kick Trap
- Added a Cooldown of 10 seconds
- Fixed an issue where kicking a trap while a Special Arrow is equipped, would turn the trap into a Special Arrow
Short BowMedium Bow
- Fixed an issue where the Charge shot targeting would work on Invisible and Stealthed targets
Long Bow
- Fixed an issue where Elven Dance was missing Evade frames
- Fixed an issue where Elven Dance would not consume Special Arrows
- Fixed an issue where tap shooting would sometimes not consume Special Arrows
- Fixed an issue where fully charged shots were applying Hemorrhage buildup
Class Tools
- Fixed an issue where fully charged shots were applying Hemorrhage buildup
Special ArrowsTraits
- Added an 8 second cooldown to all special arrows
Air VaultPriest
- Fixed an issue where Air Vault was missing Evade frames
Spirit Flask
- Fixed an issue where Energy Regen was halved when performing any attack
- The Spirit Flask item is no longer usable. It can now be dropped and disgarded.
Developer Note: The Spirit Flask is a tool used by the Priest to restore Spirit, which is used as the resource for her heals (The Q on the Scepter and Staff weapon types). This item is in the process of being updated and we temporarily have to disable it until that update is ready. In a future patch, this item will be restored to its former self. For now, we have doubled the Priests total Spirit and made it so that interacting with the Statues in the map will restore Spirit without needing the Flask.- Increased Priest base Spirit pool to 600, up from 300
- Praying at the Statues grants 60% of Spirit instantly
Heaven's Fury
- The Mirrors will no longer look cracked and broken when they are at full health.
Heaven's Ward
- Increased the radius of the stun and damage effect to 3 meters, up from 2.5
- Reduced the radius of the consecration area to 3 meters, down from 3.5
- Reduced the damage of the charged version by 30%
Developer Note: By holding down Heaven's Fury (press and hold of the ability), you can increase its damage and make it cast faster. However, the damage that it was dealing when using the press-and-hold version was a bit too high.- Removed a stagger effect on the damage, resulting in the initial impact doing more Resilience damage than intended
Heaven's Wrath
- Increased radius of initial effect and Consecrate AoE to 3.5 meters, up from 2.5
- Fixed an issue where Heaven's wrath would only effect 1 enemy target as it passes through, rather than all targets
- Reduced the radius of the Damage, Stun, and Consecrate AoE to 2 meters, down from 2.5
Class Tools
- Reduced the total homing distance of Charged projectiles to 30 meters, down from 45
- Fixed scepter homing targeting working on Invisible and Stealthed targets
Prayer Cards
- Fixed an issue where Holy Shield would put Spiritual Heal on cooldown when used
Holy Sparks
- Increased horizontal momentum in the direction held when Ascending
Developer Note: This change is intended to reduce the gravity with Ascend, so that you move quicker.Developer Note: Legacy has a mechanic called Resilience which will cause you to become immune to stuns when stunned too much in a short time. Holy Sparks was triggering Resilience too quickly and has been adjusted.
- Reduced how much resilience damage Holy Spark applies in the first 0.2 seconds of it's lifetime, if the target is already affected by a Stun, to zero
Developer Note: We noticed that the Resilience buff was proccing frequently whenever a Priest would place a Heaven's Fury just in front of targets, applying both the Heaven's Fury Stun, an unintended stagger, and the Holy Spark at the same time, causing a spike in Resilience damage from a single caster.- Reduced damage per stack to 5%, down from 10%
- Increase length of the self buff to 30 seconds, up from 20 seconds
Developer Note: Holy Sparks is a mechanic on the Priest that summons small spheres of light that when the Priest enters, increases her damage and movement speed. This mechanic is becoming important to the Priests kit to maintain, which isn't intended and the Holy Spark design will likely shift in the future. For the time being, we have reduced its effectiveness.
Prayer Circle
Improved Levitate
- Fixed the Prayer Circle trait to correctly function
- Fixed the Improved Levitate trait to correctly function
Star and Moon
Circle of Serenity
- Fixed an issue where the Star and Moon snare was piercing Snare immunities
- Fixed an issue where the Circle of Serenity Ray of Light Snare was piercing Snare immunities
Developer Note: We are aware of the number of bugs on other Priest Item Perks. We'll continue to work on fixing them.WorldGreenwood
- Removed an errant fence that prevents players from walking out along the north road
- Fixed a number of clipping and inaccessible chests
- Updated the look of Mor'Thog's bonfire
- Fixed a missing collision along the river and enable river splashes
- Improved the look of the Greenwood vista trees
- Fixed a hard-to-reach hole that could lead outside the map boundary
- More Fixes to the Mor'Thog room to fix players able to kill Mor'Thog in unintended ways.
Developers Note: We are working on a systemic fix for this issueItems & Progression
- Fixed a number of ways Rogues can get into unintended areas using Visage
- Increased the interact range of cellar doors
- Characters now start with 3 minor healing potions and 3 tattered bandages after dying.
- Added +10% Wound Armor to all foods
- Removed +50% Wound Armor from Harvest Bread
Developer Note: Wound Armor is a hidden stat that protects the player from receiving any Wound until the armor is depleted, and cannot be refreshed during a match. Wound Armor is a hidden stat because it's a somewhat confusing property (even though we just told you about it)Vendors
- Mydas potion now turns beetles into gold
- Weapon ability cooldowns are now triggered when the weapon is equipped
- Fixed the Ogre King Chest crafting recipe trying to pull Ogre Crates from stash upgrade slots, causing the craft to fail.
- Various fixes for broken requirements on several quests and reducing excessive requirements on others (looking at you, apples). Some quests will now show up that were not before, including quests to defeat other players and difficult enemies
- Leather, Spider Meat, Seasoned Wolf Haunch, Apple Pie, and toolbelts are now 1x2
- Added missing sell prices to toolbelts
- Gem pickups are now always uncut gems. Additionally, you can now disenchant uncut gems into gem dust.
- Versions of the Golden Cuff treasure item sometimes have minor stats or a random socket (except for red).
- Animated armor now drops fewer enchanted armor fragments, and the ore obtained from disenchanting them has been reduced. The chance for a rare shard has been slightly increased.
- Fixed an issue where players could put items into equipment slots that should not be placed in equipment slots, including other classes items.
- The barter for the treasure room key now requires more reagents
- Toolbelts are now easier to craft, and their rarities have been decreased.
- The number of slots granted remains the same.
- Backpacks are now easier to craft
- Rare quality class bags now require the uncommon quality class bag instead of ogre blood
- Tavernmaid recipes now grant more reputation
- Added recipes for baked potato and sliced carrots. The uncooked versions have been reduced in effectiveness, and the new cooked version have the same stats as the original potato or carrot. These recipes were added as a way to incrementally get reputation gains from the Tavernmaid, similar to cloth and leather scraps.
- Meffin now requires Ghostly Oil instead of Ogre Blood
- Recipe for Spicy Spider Strips now uses Sliced Carrots instead of Salt
- Cloudweave Bandages no longer require Dried Herbs
- All bandage recipes now create 2 bandages
- Treasurer now has a 12 hour shop reset instead of 3 hours. His inventory has been increased accordingly.
- Treasurer now sells a Glint Bar at reputation level 5.
- Recipes have been added to the weaponsmith and armorer at reputation level six to create epic crystals. These recipes require blue crystals and a Glint Bar.
- The recipes for creating blue crystals have been reduced to level five for the armorer and weaponsmith.
- Bloodsteel and Maple Heartwood have been moved to reputation level three.
- Mithril and Ironwood Heartwood have been moved to reputation level four.
- Reduced the cost to purchase common weapons and armor.
- Reduced the cost to purchase junk potions and bandages.
- Reduced the materials to create common weapons and armor.
- Slightly reduced the materials gained from disenchanting common weapons and armor.
- Tavernmaid now sells more chopped wood and onions.
- Grub Oil recipe now creates two oil.
- Heavy Leather now requires Grave Wax
- Wild Leather now requires Ogre Fat
- Reduced the reputation level for Wild Leather and Faespun Cloth to 4
- Removed class items from newly created characters. The following items are now always available in limited quantities every shop reset: Poison Dart, Heavy Spear, Prayer Card: Holy Shield, Explosive Arrow
- Increased reputation gains from enchantress recipes with additional increases for rare quality gems.
- Increased purchase price for blue items from vendors
- Added visual feedback for cooldowns on item abilities
- Fixed a performance issue causing hitches when rendering other player's nameplates
- Added a UI toast for picking up an item that was made golden with the Mydas potion
- You can now summon the context menu for items in equipment slots
- Fixed an issue where you could interact with undiscovered items
- Item Ability Cooldowns are now shown on item tooltips
- Teammate colors on the Compass are now synchronized across all members of the team
- ie, the player who is Blue on the compass is the same for everyone on the team.
- Fixed the craftable count being incorrect in the crafting screen
- Upgrading Items now show the base item you own as 1/1 instead of 0/1
- The Buy Page bottom panel now clears when you buy the last item of that type the vendor has in stock
- Disenchant now only disenchants one item at a time instead of the whole stack.
- Fixed an issue where players could get soft locked inside of spectate
- Updated VOIP quality and reliability
- Updated the footstep sounds for Spiders to play at their location
- Updated the audio mixing with the greenwood environment sounds
- Fixed wolves not having spatialized audio
- Updated Priest exertion sounds
- Updated the Mor'Thog bonfire sounds
Key Features:
- Go on solo adventures, or bolster your strength with up to two other friends.
- Actively dodge, block, sprint, attack, and cast when you engage in combat.
- Level up each character to unlock new abilities and traits.
- The world is part of combat. Warriors can charge through walls and hurl boulders, while priests can levitate over dangers and away from enemies. Each class has unique ways in which they interact with the environment.
- Improve your reputation with vendors to craft the most impressive gear and get them to sell you the best stuff.
- Upgrade your permanent lodging with higher quality furnishings. Better amenities mean more benefits on your adventures.
- Embark on quests for unique rewards and much needed supplies.
- Experience a community-wide fresh start when major updates reset progression, deliver new content and gameplay changes.
Inspired by 14 years of working on World of Warcraft, the team left Blizzard to create a fantasy setting of their own. They set out to create something that players had never seen before, starting their work on Legacy long before the rise of the Extraction genre. Together, they crafted a world that values looting, levelling and exploring just as much as PvP combat.
Legacy: Steel & Sorcery is in development for PC (Steam), currently scheduled for full release somewhere in 2026.
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