Letting players immerse themselves in the world of the hit animated series, Winx Club: The Quest for the Codex for the Nintendo DS and Game Boy Advance follows the girls as they interact with familiar friends and villains and travel to magical locations such as the Alfea School, Cloud Tower and Red Fountain. In the Nintendo DS version of the game, players will experience the game's story through a series of side-scrolling flying segments, using their magical powers to blast enemies and to clear obstacles. Players can also use the touch screen to switch between characters at any time in the game, strategically using each character's unique abilities to solve puzzles and defeat opponents. In between the action, players can enjoy character-specific mini-games and also design new clothing patterns with the Nintendo DS touch screen to share with friends through a local wireless connection.
In the Game Boy Advance version of The Quest for the Codex, the girls must stop the nefarious Lord Darkar before he takes over the universe through mini-games that affect the flow of the game's storyline. Each girl has her own unique mini-games and can call on her friends to for help by collecting Secret Charmix items throughout the game. Players can also unlock different outfits for their Magic Closet to wear and trade with friends through the Game Boy Advance Link Cable by achieving high scores in each mini-game.
Key Features:
- Original storyline based on the second series of the hit animated series
- Travel to magical locations such as Alfea, Cloud Tower and Red Fountain
- Fast-paced mini-games such as dancing, flying and fashion design
- Unlock new outfits and accessories as you play to customize your own personal Winx dolls
- Trade items with friends through local wireless connection on the Nintendo DS and the Game Boy Advance Link Cable