In Let’s Cheer!,players will learn authentic cheers and competitive routines choreographed by professional cheerleaders. In addition, to ensure ultimate heart-pumping fun, all routines will be set to iconic, licensed cheerleading songs and popular dance hits. Cheer fans will find themselves showing their spirit on the field of a varsity football game or dancing their hearts out in a high-profile cheerleading competition as they progress from the local level all the way to the Nationals.
"Let's Cheer! on Kinect for Xbox 360 brings the spectacular sport of cheerleading into the interactive world like never before," said Steve Lux, vice president of business development for 2K Play. "The unique combination of controller-free movement and voice recognition results in a game experience that not only rewards athleticism and spirit, but provides feedback that can help improve real-world cheer skills."
Let’s Cheer! spirit stars are earned and new routines unlocked when players master moves accurately and with full cheer spirit. Kinect for Xbox 360 measures players’ body motions, while the cheer voice recognition technology makes certain they stay on count vocally. Let’s Cheer!’s moves include everything from basic motions like the High V, Broken T and Right Punch, to more advanced combination moves like the Blade Cap and Touchdown Sway. Cheer fans will be able to further test their flexibility with jumps like the Toe Touch and Herkie, or activate multi-player mode for a little friendly competition.
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