Recently, the inhabitants of the futuristic metropolis Neocron have learned to use the body and sign language! As soon as a gamer has entered a chat-text, the program checks it for special keywords. If such a headword crops up, the Avatar of the game makes a corresponding movement. Whenever the word "Hello!" appears, the Avatar kindly waves his hand, in case of a "Yes" he nods quite approvingly and every "No" is accompanied by the shaking of his head. No, don't panic. A lot of triggers such as "vo" and "vup" as well as "yes" and "yeah" affect the same animation. In case of words such as "bullshit" or "no way" the Avatar may even give someone the finger, and for enthusiastic expressions such as "wow" and "top stuff" he may even move his hips. (It's Rock 'n Roll Babe !!!).
Yeah Yeah! More about it!