Archives by Day

March 2025


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Q3: Urban Terror Beta Screens

by Peter on May 28, 2001 @ 9:12 p.m. PDT | Filed under News

June 1 is the big date for the next version of this ' "total conversion mod” for Quake 3 Arena based on action and realism'. We now have some screens from the coming Beta 2.

Startopia Press & Gameinfo

by Rainier on May 28, 2001 @ 6:29 p.m. PDT | Filed under News

EIDOS let us know that the God Space Strategy Sim game, Startopia, will be released June 15th 2001. Read full pressrelease for more information and gameplay story!

Battlefield: 1942 Interview

by Peter on May 28, 2001 @ 4:36 p.m. PDT | Filed under News

The site has posted up a new interview with Dice's Ola Holmdahl as he discusses their upcoming PC/Xbox World War II action game Battlefiend 1942. Check it out!

Unreal 2 E3 Preview

by Peter on May 28, 2001 @ 4:31 p.m. PDT | Filed under News

Stratos Group just posted up a new preview of Epic Games and Legend Entertainment upcoming first person shooter title, Unreal 2. Read the preview here!

Mystic Age Movie

by Peter on May 28, 2001 @ 4:25 p.m. PDT | Filed under News

The EmpireEarth site has released a new movie of Empire Earth RTS project, Empire Earth: Mystic Age. The movie is 7.8 Mb and you can grab it here!

Magic & Mayhem Screenshots

by Thomas on May 28, 2001 @ 2:57 p.m. PDT | Filed under News

We got four new screens from the upocoming title, Magic & Mayhem.

Dreamcast release list

by Thomas on May 28, 2001 @ 9:11 a.m. PDT | Filed under News

We just got our hand's on a new releaselist for DC games. Find out which games will be released for the console this year.

Neverwinter Nights Screens

by Thomas on May 28, 2001 @ 8:57 a.m. PDT | Filed under News

RPGDot got some new exclusive screenshots from Interplays upcoming game, Neverwinter Nights.