Archives by Day

March 2025


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'Blood Omen 2' Patch v1.1 Available NOW

by Rainier on April 3, 2002 @ 11:07 p.m. PST | Filed under News

Patches here ... Patches there! Eidos just released the first patch for Blood Omen 2. The v1.1 patch is a mere 2.9mb large and fixes all kinda of stuff such as heyboard controls, mouse and gamepad (you'd figure they test this before it hits gold but hey .. thats just me) as well as believe it or not .. game crashes etc..etc...

'Onimusha 2: Samurai's Destiny' - Launch Date

by Thomas on April 3, 2002 @ 10:03 p.m. PST | Filed under News

Capcom Entertainment today announced an August 27 launch for Onimusha 2: Samurai's Destiny, the highly anticipated sequel to Onimusha: Warlords, for the PlayStation2 computer entertainment system. Based on this award winning, multi-million selling blockbuster, Onimusha 2: Samurai's Destiny takes the series to an entirely new level.

Wolfenstein Multiplayer Stuff

by Thomas on April 3, 2002 @ 8:57 p.m. PST | Filed under News

Christian Antkow's "id software" latest .plan update let us know that he is currently testing the new Dedicated Only Server, (Win32) that should hopefully be released in the near future for Wolfenstein. Read more below for full .plan file.

Isn't Blizzard Funny? 'Pandaren Race' April Fools Joke

by Thomas on April 3, 2002 @ 7:25 p.m. PST | Filed under News

Blizzard confirmed last night that the Pandaren Race story was an April Fool's 'joke'. Indeed, for Blizzard, a race of Panda-men seems rather sensible. "It was indeed a joke," claims Beau Yarbrough (which may also be a joke name; we're not sure). "I'm afraid we have a rather dry sense of humor here, and I apologize if it didn't scan as us being silly." Of course, given April Fool tradition, making any kind of joke after midday on April 1 means that the joke is on the joke-maker, so nah nah nah-nah nah!

'Starmageddon: Project Earth' - Overview & Screens

by Thomas on April 3, 2002 @ 7:22 p.m. PST | Filed under News

Mindscape is proud to announce the acquisition of the UK publishing rights for the space RTS game Starmageddon: Project Earth from Polish developer Lemon Interactive. The game takes the best and proven elements of the real-time strategy genre to the next level, where both quick thinking and long-term strategies are important. Starmageddon: Project Earth features unique gameplay, an easy-to-use interface, 3D technical advances, and a storyline that is integral to gameplay. Starmageddon: Project Earth will be released in Q3 2002 for PC CD-Rom, priced at £24.99.

Battlefield 1942 - Movie

by Thomas on April 3, 2002 @ 6:12 p.m. PST | Filed under News

Tiscali Games tossed up the first video from Battlefield 1942, upcoming World War II simulation/action game from Digital Illusions & EA. It's available in 2 resolutions (320x240 2 MB/ 640x480 6 MB) and it offers 1 minute of gameplay scenes in DivX format. You find the movie here.

Thrustmaster Announces PC Gamepads

by Rainier on April 3, 2002 @ 5:39 p.m. PST | Filed under News

Following the announcement of its licensing agreement with 2002 FIFA World Cup Korea/Japan, Thrustmaster unveils the three PC products to be release at the end of April.

Mario Sunshine (Gamecube) - Screens

by Rainier on April 3, 2002 @ 3:51 p.m. PST | Filed under News

Just a few fresh screens we didn't slap on earlier ... So dig in, 6 new screens from that little Nintendo fella ;) Colorful as ever...

JoeSwammi MLB 2002 Season - Free Trial

by Rainier on April 3, 2002 @ 3:39 p.m. PST | Filed under News

JoeSwammi MLB lets you choose two real major league teams, most likely a game that will actually be played in the major leagues and JoeSwammi MLB will try and predict the game using the latest statistics, freshly downloaded, for FREE! Read more for details, links and screens.

Ubisoft Europe Picks Up 'Duke Nukem Manhattan Project' - Screens

by Rainier on April 3, 2002 @ 3:18 p.m. PST | Filed under News

Ubi Soft® Entertainment, one of the world's largest video game publishers, announced today that it will distribute Duke Nukem - Manhattan Project for PC CD-Rom in the United Kingdom, Germany, France, French-speaking Belgium and Switzerland releasing end of May 2002. Already a gaming Icon, the undisputed king of action makes a long-overdue return to alien butt-kicking, and babe-saving in this explosive platform action game from developer Sunstorm Interactive and Producer 3D Realms. The game is published by ARUSH Entertainment, and published in Europe by HD Interactive.

GameCube Review : Pac-Man World 2

by The Cookie Snatcher on April 3, 2002 @ 1:53 p.m. PST | Filed under Reviews

Pac-Man is on a brand new adventure and once again dealing with the pesky Ghost Gang. His new quest takes him through 6 new lands with plenty of new surprises. Brand new features include ice skating, roller blading, submarine diving and many other exciting puzzles to solve. Read more and find out wether the yellow pokedot still has its magic after decades or if it has decayed. Either way, NJOY!

Ubisoft & Fox Int. Bring 'Aliens Vs. Predator' To The GBA

by Rainier on April 3, 2002 @ 1:36 p.m. PST | Filed under News

Ubi Soft announced today a worldwide deal with 20th Century Fox to develop the popular game Aliens vs. Predator for the first time ever on the Game Boy Advance hand-held video game system. Ubi Soft has acquired the rights to develop Aliens vs. Predator until 2003. Aliens vs. Predator is a successful gaming franchise, having sold over 1 million copies on PC worldwide.

'Age of Wonders 2' - Overview & Screens

by Thomas on April 3, 2002 @ 12:42 p.m. PST | Filed under News

Age of Wonders 2 is the sequel to the award winning turn based strategy game, Age of Wonders. Developed by Triumph Studios and PopTop Software, the game will sport better graphics and updated gameplay. Check out game overview and some new screens below!

'Dungeon Siege' Chat With Chris Taylor

by Thomas on April 3, 2002 @ 12:10 p.m. PST | Filed under News

On Thursday, April 4, from 5pm to 6pm PST, Gas Powered Games president Chris Taylor will be in the Zone Theater Chat Room to talk about Dungeon Siege, slated to hit store shelves later this month. To participate in the chat and go behind the scenes of Dungeon Siege, click "Chats & Events" on the navigation bar across the top of any page, and then click "Chat Rooms" and "Zone Theater Chat" in the room list.

The Best Game Ever - Voted By 'AOL' Members

by Rainier on April 3, 2002 @ 11:22 a.m. PST | Filed under News

During the month of January 2002,, the online store and part of GAME, Europe's leading specialist video game and computer software retailer, announced a video games list, and offered members of the AOL service in the UK the opportunity to vote for their favourite game.

Developer Shaba Acquired

by Thomas on April 3, 2002 @ 10:59 a.m. PST | Filed under News

Further enhancing its internal console development capabilities and bolstering its ability to create games for the next-generation consoles, Activision, Inc., today announced the acquisition of software developer Shaba Games LLC.

'Virtua Fighter 4' Tops PlayStation 2 Charts

by Thomas on April 3, 2002 @ 10:56 a.m. PST | Filed under News

SEGA(R of America today announced that its critically acclaimed fighting game, "Virtua Fighter 4" for the PlayStation(R) 2 computer entertainment system, was the #1 selling title on the platform during its first week of sales according to independent retail data from NPD TRSTS (week ending 3/23). With lightning-fast gameplay action, breathtaking graphics and all new modes and features, "Virtua Fighter 4," was recently named the "Best Fighting Game Ever Made," by gaming enthusiast publication Official U.S. PlayStation Magazine.

'GT Advance : Championship Racing 2' (GBA) - Features

by Thomas on April 3, 2002 @ 10:54 a.m. PST | Filed under News

Get behind the wheel of the world's top rally cars as you span the globe in quest of a championship. Listen to your navigator as he helps you through more than 40 unique tracks spanning different weather and terrain through 14 grueling stages. Fly over jumps or skid around obstacles on your way to the top of the rally racing circut. Link up with a friend using the GBA link cable for amazing head-to-head competition or watch the action again using the replay mode.

A Few Interesting Previews

by Rainier on April 3, 2002 @ 10:48 a.m. PST | Filed under News

Shacknews' Raven Software Q&A HomeLAN previews the upcoming first person multiplayer team shooter "Mobile Forces", based on playing a beta version of the full game from Rage Software and Real Time Worlds. PC.IGN has posted up a new preview on "EVE: The Second Genesis ", Simon & Schuster's upcoming massively multiplayer space sim. GameSpot, Cube.IGN, The Electric Playground, and PlanetGameCube all gave "Eternal Darkness" a whirl. GameSpot and both review "Heroes Of Might&Magic IV" (thanks voodoo). Gamespy got the chance to take an early look at C&C Generals.

'Jerusalem' & 'Secret of the Nautilus' Demos

by Thomas on April 3, 2002 @ 9:36 a.m. PST | Filed under News

Tiscali Games tossed up two new demos for Cryo's adventure games. First one is Jerusalem (49 MB) and second one is The Secret of the Nautilus - sometimes known as Jules Verne: Under the Sea (58 MB).

Daily Dose Of Boring Q&As

by Rainier on April 3, 2002 @ 2:12 a.m. PST | Filed under News

Today two Q&As with Raven Software's Kenn Hoekstra (Soldier of Fortune II: Double Helix) : Shacknews' Raven Software Q&A and The Evolution of the FPS part II on Computer & Video Games. RGPDOT has part 1 of a 2 episode interview with Associate Producer and World Designer for 'Archaean'. HomeLan Fed posted a Delta Force: Task Force Red Dagger interview with Zombie co-CEO Mark Long and Novalogic producer Wes Eckhart. The Czech web site Doupe has posted up a new Q&A with Cryptic Studios' Jack Emmert talking about their upcoming super hero MMRPG 'City of Heroes' (thanks Homelan). Rise of Nations Pantheon (a fansite) has posted up a short Q&A with Big Huge Games programmer Ike Ellis of course talking about 'Rise Of Nations' (thanks gamespy).