Archives by Day

March 2025


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New 'Real War' & 'Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind' Patches

by Rainier on July 26, 2002 @ 11:30 p.m. PDT | Filed under News

Bethesda Softworks's just slapped out another patch for their 3D role-playing game, Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind bringing it to v1.2.0722. The patch is an average 3.8 MB and includes save game improvements, tons of bug fixes, a bunch of quest fixes as well as updates for all plug-ins. Read the included txt file for details. Also noticed on Blue's News that there is a new patch for Real War, last year's isometric real-time strategy game by Rival Interactive. The 2.0 MB download takes the game to version 1.6 and "resolves an issue which allowed cheat codes when playing On-line."

Sismoplay Launches Own 'Expert' Servers

by Rainier on July 26, 2002 @ 11:08 p.m. PDT | Filed under News

Sismoplay is launching its own DuelField Expert servers on July 26th 2002 allowing people from across the world to meet and interact while playing our latest online strategy game: DuelField. It revolves around Internet-based duels and has been available in Europe since March through partners including Tiscali, Europe’s number 3 ISP. Sismoplay is now focusing on North American and Asian players. Thanks to its low system requirements anyone equipped with at least a Pentium-based or equivalent internet-connected computer, 32MB of RAM, and a 28.8K modem is able to enjoy DuelField. No need for ADSL or cable to take part in the action.

'Age of Wonders II' Update patch Available NOW

by Rainier on July 26, 2002 @ 9:54 p.m. PDT | Filed under News

Noticed over at Blue's News that Take 2 Games has issued a patch for Age of Wonders II: the Wizard's Throne , updating the isometric turn-based strategy game by Triumph Studios to version 1.1. The patch requires a 7.3 MB download and adds a new beginners difficulty level, more gameplay options, a sizable number of bug fixes, some balance changes and more, as detailed in the included Readme file (thanks Blue's News).

Rainbow Six: Raven Shield - New Screens

by Rainier on July 26, 2002 @ 8:17 p.m. PDT | Filed under News

Rainbow Six: Raven Shield is the sequel to the immensely popular Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Rogue Spear, 2000 Action Game Of The Year, and Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six, 1999 Action Game Of The Year. It will be the third game in the Rainbow Six line, which has sold more than 6.7 million copies worldwide. What would the week be without some new in-game screens, check them out!

'Farscape : The Game' Goes Gold

by Rainier on July 26, 2002 @ 7:32 p.m. PDT | Filed under News

Seems today its a golden day for games to get wrapped up ... Simon & Schuster just let us know that their Sci-Fi serie based 3D action game "Farscape: The Game," has gone gold. We can expect it to hit store shelves as early as next week!

UFC Throwdown (Gamecube) Has Gone Gold!

by Rainier on July 26, 2002 @ 7:21 p.m. PDT | Filed under News

Crave just let us know that the Nintendo GameCube version of 'UFC Throwdown' has gone gold and is currently in manufacturing for retail delivery. The game is expecpted to be on shelves July 30th 2002.

UbiSoft Officially Announces 'Far Cry' - Facts & Screens

by Rainier on July 26, 2002 @ 6:45 p.m. PDT | Filed under News

Ubi Soft today announced the release of Far Cry, a new first-person-shooter game. With an emphasis on tactics and action with a spectacular use of graphical and environmental details, Far Cry is planned for a worldwide release on PC CD-ROM in late 2003.

Strategy First Signs ‘Earth 2150: Lost Souls’

by Rainier on July 26, 2002 @ 6:15 p.m. PDT | Filed under News

Strategy First announced today that it will publish the third installment of the award-winning trilogy Earth 2150 titled ‘Earth 2150: Lost Souls’ for the North American market in September of this year.

Gothic II - Developers Chat

by Rainier on July 26, 2002 @ 5:42 p.m. PDT | Filed under News

All Gothic Fans pay attention! A thread from the developers of Piranha Bytes is published in the forum on, explaining the differences between Gothic & Gothic 2. This is the first thread, in which the developers themselves talk about Gothic 2 – further threads will follow until the release.

'Jagged Alliance Gold Pack' Announced

by Rainier on July 26, 2002 @ 5:39 p.m. PDT | Filed under News

With the recently formed partnership between Strategy First and Sir Tech Canada, whereby Strategy First obtains the rights to manage the Jagged Alliance franchise, Sir Tech Canada and Strategy First announced today that they are developing a Jagged Alliance 2: Gold Pack, scheduled for release later this summer. Featuring an enhanced version of Jagged Alliance 2, the Gold Pack will offer players some unique twists on the original Jagged Alliance 2.

American Conquest / Combat Mission2 / Grom - Screens

by Rainier on July 26, 2002 @ 5:29 p.m. PDT | Filed under News

Today CDV has unleashed another bunch of screens from their upcoming RTS titles .. Grom, American Conquest and Combat Mission 2 .. In case you dont know what they are about .. check out the screens!

TOCA Race Driver - Damage Video

by Rainier on July 26, 2002 @ 5:24 p.m. PDT | Filed under News

Renowned for its high speed and aggressive race action, Codemasters' multi million-selling TOCA Touring Car series provides some of motorsport gaming's most spectacular real-car collisions on world famous circuits.

'Worms' Find Their Way Into 5.9 Million Sky Digital Homes

by Rainier on July 26, 2002 @ 5:14 p.m. PDT | Filed under News

Team 17, creators of the world-renowned Worms series of video games, has released an interactive TV version on the Sky Gamestar portal.

Novalogic & Ubisoft Toast Success Of Delta Force2 / Rogue Spear Double Pack

by Rainier on July 26, 2002 @ 5:13 p.m. PDT | Filed under News

NovaLogic Ltd. and Ubi Soft Entertainment today confirmed the success of the Delta Force 2 & Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Rogue Spear double pack that has been flying off UK retailers shelves since its March 2002 launch.

Asylum - Facts & Screens

by Rainier on July 26, 2002 @ 5:11 p.m. PDT | Filed under News

Asylum is a first person horror game that will totally immerse the player in a macabre nightmare. Featuring a cast of characters straight out of your worst nightmares hunting for your mortal soul. Chec kthe screens and also the available trailer (which is quite impressive and has awesome Drowning Pool music).

Strategy First Signs With 'Monte Cristo'

by Rainier on July 26, 2002 @ 4:41 p.m. PDT | Filed under News

Strategy First and French developers, Monte Cristo, are delighted to announce that they have signed a multiple title co-publishing deal, in which Strategy First retains exclusive North American publishing rights for six of Monte Cristo’s most popular PC titles.

Rainbow Six: Raven Shield - Multiplayer Update

by Rainier on July 26, 2002 @ 8:50 a.m. PDT | Filed under News

For a number of business and technical reasons, Raven Shield will not be playable on the Microsoft Gaming Zone. All of the Ubi Soft studios, including Red Storm, are committed to providing multiplayer features through the game service. Read more ...

South Korea Begins Open Beta Testing of Dark Age of Camelot

by Thomas on July 26, 2002 @ 7:36 a.m. PDT | Filed under News

Mythic Entertainment, creator of the award winning massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG) Dark Age of Camelot, in conjunction with Buff Entertainment, today announced that the game has successfully begun open beta testing in South Korea. Dark Age of Camelot, the fastest selling pay-for-play MMORPG in the history of online gaming, is developed by Mythic Entertainment and co-published with Abandon Entertainment.

America's Army: Recon 'Marksmanship Pack' Update

by Rainier on July 26, 2002 @ 3:46 a.m. PDT | Filed under News

Got great news from HQ: the Marksmanship Pack is nearly complete, troops! Even better, the Marksmanship Pack is packed with much, much more than just the single-player U.S. Army Sniper School missions. Responding to the feedback from our community, we've decided to add a number of additional features in this release. Read more for details...

Updated 'Dungeon Siege' Website

by Rainier on July 26, 2002 @ 2:54 a.m. PDT | Filed under News

Today the official Dungeon Siege website has added a new Siege University class that covers the SiegeFX system. In addition, Siege University 203B: Triggers II has expanded text along with plenty of example images to guide you through creating new triggers. Go check it out ...

Cold Zero: The Last Stand - Screens

by Rainier on July 26, 2002 @ 12:07 a.m. PDT | Filed under News

Cold Zero is an action adventure game where the player takes the role of John McAffrey, a former marksman with a SWAT team who was discharged from service after shooting a hostage by accident. His skills helped him get a job providing high level security for high profile corporations. One of his clients is BioResearch Inc, a company that created the genetic weapon known as Cold Zero.