Archives by Day

March 2025


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'Shadowbane' - New Screenshots

by Rainier on Sept. 12, 2002 @ 11:48 p.m. PDT | Filed under News

Although the game is delayed that does not prevent is from showing you some new Shadowbane screenshots now does it? ;) First look of the Aracoix and Irekei races. Also, screenshots of the Elvish City and the Temple of Flame. Njoy!

'Heroes of Might & Magic IV' - Multiplayer Patch FINALLY Available

by Rainier on Sept. 12, 2002 @ 11:33 p.m. PDT | Filed under News

Fileplanet is now offering the eagerly awaited Heroes of Might and Magic IV multiplayer (via network or TCP/IP) patch, nearly six months after the initial game release of Heroes of Might and Magic IV. You can get the Heroes IV US 1.0 to 2.0 here or the Heroes IV UK 1.3 to 2.0 here. Install instructions can be found here.

SuperPower - New Update Patch Available NOW

by Rainier on Sept. 12, 2002 @ 11:29 p.m. PDT | Filed under News

DreamCatcher has just released a new patch for SuperPower bringing GolemLabs world simulator game to v1.3. The patch fixes and tweaks numerous things in the game aswell as adding custom modifications from Eclzeastes (which is probably the reason why its 37mb!). Read more for a detailed fix list and links where to grab it.

FIFA Football 2003 (PS2/PC/XBX) - Screens

by Rainier on Sept. 12, 2002 @ 11:12 p.m. PDT | Filed under News

The world's most successful football franchise returns to classic form by focusing on the fundamentals of football. FIFA Football 2003 provides an immersive, authentic experience driven by an ALL NEW game engine. This is football gaming that lives by the rules of the real sport and absorbs the users in a world of detail and culture. FIFA is TOTAL FOOTBALL. Today we serve up a boatload of screens for the Pc, PS2 and Xbox version .. njoy!

'Delta Force: Black Hawk Down' - Multiplayer Demo Available NOW

by Rainier on Sept. 12, 2002 @ 10:06 p.m. PDT | Filed under News

NovaLogic releases the Delta Force: Black Hawk Down Official Multiplayer Demo, the demo features one multiplayer level and includes day and night settings. The demo is playable over the NovaWorld Games Network and via LAN. The 60 MB file is available on this NovaLogic Downloads Page which has a list of mirrors. Or grab it directly off 3DGamers.

UPDATE NovaLogic sends word that there is an updated version of the Delta Force Black Hawk Down Demo available that removes the NetQuartz ezpad technology that's been causing problems. Update 11 can be apply by clicking the "update game" button. Word is "once this update has installed, consumers will then be able to uninstall the ezpad technology and play with the demo as normal. To fully uninstall ezpad, right click on the ezpad icon on the task bar, and select quit, then uninstall the software via the ADD/REMOVE Programs option in the control panel."

'Devastation' - Official Website Opens

by Rainier on Sept. 12, 2002 @ 6:02 p.m. PDT | Filed under News

Ariush just let us know that the official site for Devastation, is now open, and we have released three brand-spanking new screenshots of this next-generation Unreal engine powered game. Devastation is a cyber-punkish FPS set in a technology dark age in the near future. A handful of huge corporations control the remaining technology, and command a ruthless force of Pacification Squad troopers who terrorize the citizens of the various territories. The only law is martial law in this future, but you and a group of "disloyalists" have banded together and formed a resistance.

'Industry Giant II' Addon Announced - Facts & Screens

by Rainier on Sept. 12, 2002 @ 5:56 p.m. PDT | Filed under News

JoWooD Productions is proud to announce official details for the official Add On for the critically acclaimed Industry Giant II which is scheduled for a UK release on 29th November for PC CD Rom. Read more for details and some new screens ...

'Conflict: Desert Storm' Demo Available NOW

by Thomas on Sept. 12, 2002 @ 5:19 p.m. PDT | Filed under News

3DGamers tossed up a playable demo of Conflict: Desert Storm, the new squad-based tactical shooter by Pivotal Games. The demo contains an intro video and one full single-player mission. You find it HERE!

Legends of Terris - Features & Artwork

by Thomas on Sept. 12, 2002 @ 5:16 p.m. PDT | Filed under News

Indie Games producers, 'The Online Games Company' are announcing a new look and redesign for their massively popular 'Legends of Terris' client software. Due to be launched mid December, the new download boasts many new features.

UT2003 Mark Rein Chat Log

by Thomas on Sept. 12, 2002 @ 3:43 p.m. PDT | Filed under News

Unreality tossed up a Chat Log with Epic Games Mark Rein. The time was spent answering a whole bunch of questions regarding UT2003. Here is a clip:

How big is the demo, and how many mirrors are expected to mirror the installer upon release?

I think we have about 200 mirrors lined up thus far! The demo is about 100Mb.

Do you have any ideas for any official/unofficial downloadable/buyable expansion packs for UT2k3 in the near future up to 6 months from now?

We expect to release some extra content but we don't have exact plans and NO we won't be charging for it.

Kakuto Chojin (Xb) - Screens

by Thomas on Sept. 12, 2002 @ 3:21 p.m. PDT | Filed under News

"Kakuto Chojin" is a gritty street fight. Dark, edgy and mysterious battles take place in dark alleys and on rain-soaked rooftops. Combatants fight with raw emotion using their own styles. There is nothing cute, comical or cartoon-like about these battles. It's a life-or-death battle for survival. When a fighter strikes, his or her opponent will know it. "Kakuto Chojin" represents the next level in street-fighting realism.

'G.I. Combat' Screens and Interview

by Thomas on Sept. 12, 2002 @ 1:36 p.m. PDT | Filed under News

GGMania got a chance to chat with Freedom Games' co-founder Eric Young as he answers a few questions regarding to G.I. Combat, soon-to-be-released 3D real-time strategy game that covers the intense hedgerow battles of Normandy, France from D-Day to Patton's breakout across France in 1944. He graciously filled them in on many details in this G.I. Combat interview, which is accompanied by three new screenshots.

CDV celebrates ELSPA Silver Sales Award for Cossacks

by Thomas on Sept. 12, 2002 @ 12:39 p.m. PDT | Filed under News

CDV Software Entertainment UK is today cracking open the vodka to celebrate the publication of this week's Charttrack sales figures, which show that Cossacks, its classic real-time strategy game, has just sold its 100,000th unit in the UK and therefore qualifies for a coveted Silver Award from the European Leisure Software Publishers Association (ELSPA).

DF: Black Hawk Down MP Demo Today

by Thomas on Sept. 12, 2002 @ 9:58 a.m. PDT | Filed under News

A reminder folks!! The official multiplayer demo for Delta Force - Black Hawk Down by publisher NovaLogic, Inc will be released today, Thursday September 12th 2002. The demo will be available for download from and a number of key mirror sites. The demo follows the hugely successful multiplayer beta that had over 200,000 recorded downloads during its seven-day availability period.

'Battlefield 1942' Update Patch Available NOW

by Rainier on Sept. 12, 2002 @ 3:04 a.m. PDT | Filed under News

The game is not out yet but nonetheless Electronic Arts sends along a patch for the full version of Battlefield 1942, shipping to stores and expected end of this week. This v1.1 patch brings the same changes and fixes as the multiplayer demo update, including support for the All Seeing Eye server browser, higher refresh rates, internal server browser improvements, bug fixes, and more. Additionally, the v1.1 Win32 dedicated server for the full game is now available, allowing server administrators to host all 16 maps in all gameplay modes. Read more a detailed fix list and links where to get it.