Archives by Day

March 2025


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'LotR: The Return of the King' (Xbox) - Trailer

by Rainier on June 27, 2003 @ 4:17 p.m. PDT | Filed under News

EA has released 3 small trailers for their upcoming action game based on the Lord Of The Rings movie, Return Of The King, showing off the deadly mountain troll pushing a siege tower, Aragorn slicing and dicing his way through enemies with Gimli fighting along side him and Gandalf using his mighty magical powers to bring multiple enemies to the ground with this powerful ground smashing technique. For your convenience we merged all 3 of them into 1, so if you see it somewhere else you know where it originated. Read more for download links ...

'Battlefield: Pirates' - Updated Alpha Mod Available NOW

by Rainier on June 27, 2003 @ 3:59 p.m. PDT | Filed under News

If you get excited about the idea of sailing uncharted waters, searching the fog for rival ships, and maneuvering into the perfect position to lay iron unto your enemy before he can do the same to you, then you've come to the right place. Battlefield: Pirates is a mod for EA's Battlefield 1942 (and requires the latest v1.4 update patch). After the initial alpha release it is now updated to v0.11 and includes various tweaks and fixed, added a new map "Low_Tide" etc. Read more for details and download links ...

'Lionheart' - Screens

by Rainier on June 27, 2003 @ 3:43 p.m. PDT | Filed under News

Wahey there Lionhearters! That's right; it's another brand spankin' new Lionheart web update for your weekend reading wonderment! So head on over to the MAGIC page to read all about Lionheart's Tribal Magic. We added a little something called the Corpse Bomb which allows players to "infuse a corpse with tremendous energies, causing the body to detonate." I mean sure it may sound a little messy...but really, I mean what's not to love?!? oh yeah! Read more for some new screens ..

'Dynasty Warriors 4' (Xbox) - Screens

by Rainier on June 27, 2003 @ 3:26 p.m. PDT | Filed under News

Dynasty Warriors 4 uses the most advanced melee-fighting engine to deliver the next evolution of tactical action. Experience the thrill of taking on multiple opponents at once and fighting against impossible odds. New features not only add more depth to the legend of the Three Kingdoms but also to the individual characters and the dramatic events surrounding them. Created by KOEI’s internal development team, Omega Force, Dynasty Warriors 4 for Xbox hits retail shelves in September 2003 with a suggested retail of $49.99. Dynasty Warriors 4 for the Xbox is Dolby Digital 5.1 compatible. Read more to check out 4 new screens ...

'Backyard Wrestling' (PS2/Xbox) - Screens

by Rainier on June 27, 2003 @ 2:04 p.m. PDT | Filed under News

Backyard Wrestling places you in the role of an aspiring wrestler. You must be prepared to endure extreme amounts of pain and take incredible risks in order to move one step closer to the BYW title and ultimately be crowned 'The King of Hardcore'. But the road to glory is long and dangerous. Dozens of weapons including thumbtacks, barbed wire, light bulbs, baseball bats, tables, trash cans, and stop signs are at your disposal to help re-arrange the faces of new challengers. And did we mention the fire? Check the new batch of PS2 & Xbox screens ...

'Sega GT Online' (Xbox) - Screens

by Rainier on June 27, 2003 @ 1:57 p.m. PDT | Filed under News

A blend of deep simulation detail and high-octane arcade action, “Sega GT Online” challenges gamers to qualify for licenses and earn money to soup up their rides and buy newer, more powerful cars. Bringing all the thrills of the most realistic driving game for Xbox online via Xbox™ Live, “Sega GT Online” allows up to six gamers to put their cars – and their skills – to the ultimate test against thousands of gamers from around the country. Check the new screens ...

'Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne' - Screens

by Rainier on June 27, 2003 @ 11:21 a.m. PDT | Filed under News

Following in the tradition of previous Blizzard expansion sets, Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne provides gamers with a vast new chapter in the epic Warcraft saga. In the single-player campaign, players revisit the war-torn world of Azeroth. Several months have passed since Archimonde and the Burning Legion were defeated at the battle of Mount Hyjal, yet a new threat has arisen throughout the land. Expected in stores next week, here are some screens to get you by over the weekend ...

'Syphon Filter: The Omega Strain' (PS2) - Screens

by Rainier on June 27, 2003 @ 11:08 a.m. PDT | Filed under News

Syphon Filter: The Omega Strain is the next installment of the Syphon Filter storyline. Elsa Weissenger has come to Gabe Logan with evidence that a multinational corporation has been behind the Syphon Filter conspiracy from the beginning. Mara Aramov is connected to this consortium in some way that Gabe does not understand. But here is what Gabe does know: Mara has escaped custody, outbreaks of a deadly new mutation of the virus are appearing all over the globe, and Chechnyan rebels are selling the virus to other terrorists. A few new screens just infiltrated our offices ...

EA Unveils Cast Of 'James Bond 007: Everything Or Nothing'

by Rainier on June 27, 2003 @ 10:53 a.m. PDT | Filed under News

Electronic Arts announced today the cast for the upcoming videogame James Bond 007 : Everything or Nothing under the EA GAMES brand. Pierce Brosnan as James Bond 007 leads a stellar cast of talent that includes both actors reprising their Bond film roles and actors creating new roles specifically created for the game. Read more for details ...

'WarCraft III' - Update Patch Coming

by Rainier on June 27, 2003 @ 10:47 a.m. PDT | Filed under News

As noted on the forums, Warcraft III players connecting to will receive a significant patch to Reign of Chaos in the days ahead. This v1.10 patch will add clan support and many of the interface enhancements found in the soon-to-be-released expansion set, Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (thanks Shacknews). Read more for a preliminary fix list...

'Mafia' (PS2) - Screens

by Rainier on June 27, 2003 @ 10:27 a.m. PDT | Filed under News

A hail of bullets from a Tommy gun or a shotgun in the face over linguine at lunch; choose a life with the Salieri family and the cops will be the least of your problems. The city of Lost Heaven is at war as the Salieri and Morello mobs fight to control the lucrative protection rackets and smuggling of Lost Heaven. Mafia grabs you by the lapels and plunges you into the middle of a vicious and deadly turf war set in the City of Lost Heaven. The cops, the Morello family and more are all out to get you... and none of them care how they take you down. Arriving on PS2 in October, Mafia has been enhanced to deliver an awesome console experience that will make the Cosa Nostra look like choirboys.

'Space Colony' - Screens

by Rainier on June 27, 2003 @ 10:22 a.m. PDT | Filed under News

Following their recent success with the million-selling Stronghold series on PC, London-based developer, Firefly Studios, have catapulted their creativity into the not-so-distant future announcing Space Colony, due for release this Fall on PC. Space Colony is best described as a space-based People Sim crossed with a City Building game. The player manages and nurtures a group of dysfunctional space dwellers colonising the most unearthly corners of the galaxy. Read more for a few new screens ...

'Hidden And Dangerous 2' - Screens

by Rainier on June 27, 2003 @ 10:19 a.m. PDT | Filed under News

The original Hidden & Dangerous was released in 1999 to widespread acclaim, and was the forerunner for the squad-based tactical action game. With sales in excess of one million copies, Hidden & Dangerous established itself as a leading title in the genre. Its creators, Illusion Softworks, have for the last four years been quietly developing and perfecting the sequel. Read more for a few cinematic screens ...

New 'No One Lives Forever' Game 'Contract Jack' Revealed

by Rainier on June 27, 2003 @ 10:12 a.m. PDT | Filed under News

It has been rumoured for a few months now that there would possibly be a NOLF3 and although not much has been said and done ( IS registered to Fox Int, involved in the previous NOLF games). Today we contacted one of our Vivendi contact to ask wether they could shed some light on "Contract Jack", and all they had to say is "No comment, we will announce soon". No specifics are known, wether this is merely an addon or a full fledged game but it does imply the introduction of a male character Jack, whilst our favorite female spy Archer will also be in on things ... Now that the cat is out of the bag, we can probably expect a formal announcement soon ...

'Railroad Tycoon III' - Screens

by Rainier on June 27, 2003 @ 9:59 a.m. PDT | Filed under News

Who needs a movie that has no anoraks, a distinct lack of platforms, and for that matter, trains? If you go loco for 'motives, then Railroad Tycoon III is the game for you! On schedule for release in October, the king of Tycoon games with over a million units sold worldwide for Railroad Tycoon I and II, will arrive at a store near you. Along with a glorious bleeding edge three-dimension engine, Railroad Tycoon 3 will have outstanding multiplayer support, complete with integrated chat and matchmaking service. Read more to check out a few new screens ...

'Age of Wonders: Shadow Magic' - Screens

by Rainier on June 27, 2003 @ 9:38 a.m. PDT | Filed under News

This latest addition to the Age of Wonders series will enable players to experience the all new and eerie Shadow World dimension and battle with races never seen before across new and diverse landscapes. Combined with the option of creating a totally unique environment with the map generator and rewriting the history of this world time and time again through the enhanced campaign editor, players are ensured a constant stream of completely new game experiences. Read more for a few new screens ...

'Captain Scarlet : Retaliation' - Release Date & Screens

by Rainier on June 27, 2003 @ 9:09 a.m. PDT | Filed under News

Captain Scarlet will be fighting the Mysterons again in an all new PC game, Captain Scarlet : Retaliation, to be launched in the UK on Friday 5th September 2003. Captain Scarlet: Retaliation is a real time tactical strategy game where gamers control up to six Spectrum agents, each with unique capabilities, as they attempt to halt the Mysteron’s evil plans. Based on the cult Gerry Anderson television series, the game combines addictive game play, with stunning graphics and the rich background of the original series, to create a compelling game that will appeal to a wide range of players. Read more for details & screens ...

'Emergency Fire Response' - Demo Available NOW

by Rainier on June 27, 2003 @ 7:57 a.m. PDT | Filed under News

Got what it takes to become a hero? In Emergency Fire Response (known in Europe as Fire Department), experience what life is really like for fire-fighters. Choose your team, vehicles and equipment! Keep your cool when faced with high-pressure situations… Your reactions, your strategy as well as your capacity to manage a team of firemen are the keys to success. Earlier we had the french demo and now DreamCatcher has released the English demo for their upcoming tactical/strategy fire fighting game. The demo sports a mission called '3D Million Dollars' where you must put out a fire in a gas station and save people trapped in a nearby building. Read more for download links ...

Various Game Trailers Available NOW

by Rainier on June 27, 2003 @ 2:01 a.m. PDT | Filed under News

Another day, another batch of game trailers were released. Instead of giving them all their own post, we grouped them and so far there are trailers for :

  • Worms 3D - Trailer
  • Star Wars Galaxies: An Empire Divided - Intro Movie
  • Silent Hill - E3 Trailer #2

  • We will update this throughout the day when new trailers become available. Read more for download links ...

'James Bond: Everything Or Nothing' (NGC/PS2/Xbox) - Screens

by Rainier on June 27, 2003 @ 1:36 a.m. PDT | Filed under News

What would James Bond do? That’s the question players will answer in every dramatic moment of James Bond 007: Everything or Nothing, as the world’s greatest secret agent returns in his fifth interactive adventure under the EA GAMES™ brand. First, you will think like Bond, using espionage, tactical skills, and gadgets from the Q-Lab to analyze your situation. Then you will act like Bond, using his stylish physical skills, clever subterfuge, and bold personality to once again save the world.

'Dark Fall' - Demo Available NOW

by Rainier on June 27, 2003 @ 1:15 a.m. PDT | Filed under News

Dark Fall is a perfect blend of adventure and suspense set in beautiful, grippingly eerie environments to capture the imagination. Dark Fall features challenging puzzles to complete spread over more than 40 rooms and locations to explore while listening to immersive haunting ambient background sounds and music. Thiss small demo gives you a quick sense of the game's atmospheric, Myst-style play. Located in a room, you need to search & find clues, objective is finding a hidden note. Read more for demo walkthrough &download links ...

Daily Dose Of Boring Q&As

by Rainier on June 27, 2003 @ 1:04 a.m. PDT | Filed under News

'No Mans Land' - Screens

by Rainier on June 27, 2003 @ 12:55 a.m. PDT | Filed under News

Westward Ho! In No Mans Land, the player leads the colonization of the American continent between 1600 und 1900. In three campaigns, divided into 30 diversified missions, the player sees the historical development of this era from the viewpoint of six different ethnic groups: Englishmen, settlers, American patriots, Spaniards and forest- and prairie Indians. Read more to check out the 20+ new screens ...

'Black9' (PC/Xbox) - Screens

by Rainier on June 27, 2003 @ 12:21 a.m. PDT | Filed under News

In 2080, nine powerful illuminati are engaged in a struggle for the control of mankind. As the manipulative illuminati head towards a perilous endgame, you are a mercenary walking the gray line of right and wrong, operating in the shadows and executing dangerous missions on their behalf. Black9 is the exciting new action/RPG that weaves intense gameplay through an engrossing story line with streamlined RPG-style character development. Check the PC & Xbox new screens ...

'Aquanox 2: Revelation' - Screens

by Rainier on June 27, 2003 @ 12:09 a.m. PDT | Filed under News

'Aquanox 2: Revelation' is a new story of the underwater world Aqua. In 2666 a young freighter pilot called William Drake sets out to search for the heritage of a mythical ancestor. He is looking for adventure - and finds greed, ruthlessness, merciless hatred … and also unexpected help. But very soon he has to realize that he is not the only one hunting for his ancestor's legendary treasure. Read more to check some new screens ...