Archives by Day

March 2025


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'Star Net Frontier' - Screens

by Rainier on Sept. 20, 2003 @ 6:13 p.m. PDT | Filed under News

In Star Net Frontier you will be taken to the future world of alien planets, travel and trade, battles on planets and in space, alliances and intrigues, battle machines, rogue AI, and space battle-ships. You will be transferred to the far fringes of the Galaxy to survive battles, to travel from planet to planet, to make a fortune as a captain of free space trader, or to fight as a soldier for freedom, friends, ideas, fame, and money. Read more for details and screens ...

'Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy' - Updated Linux Server Available NOW

by Rainier on Sept. 20, 2003 @ 5:58 p.m. PDT | Filed under News

Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy is a dynamic single and multiplayer action experience featuring an all-new epic story. Raven Software has released an v1.01 updated dedicated linux server for Jedi Academy which adresses mMinor update to fix faulty rand() calls. Read more for details and download links ...

'LotR: The Return of the King' - Demo Available NOW

by Rainier on Sept. 20, 2003 @ 12:27 p.m. PDT | Filed under News

After yesterday Judge Dredd demo, we have another magazine cover disc upload. Directly off the latest North American PC Gamer is a demo for EA's upcoming action-adventure game Lord of the Rings: Return of the King. This demo features a mission where "The Citizens of Minas Tirith must be saved! Get 200 Gondorian women through the exit, up to the next level of Minas Tirith. The invading horde will try to stop you at this task, and dispatching them quickly will allow you accomplish your goal at a faster pace! The survival of Gondor rests in your hands, Gandalf the White!" (thanks PCGamer). Read more for download links ....

'Chaos Legion' - Demo Available NOW

by Rainier on Sept. 20, 2003 @ 12:13 p.m. PDT | Filed under News

Capcom has released a playable demo ketting you sample their upcoming third-person action RPG Chas Legion. This is a multilanguage demo (originally a PS2 game), sports high-res, but apart from that there are no details as to what it really contains (thanks Impress/3DGamers). Read more for download links ...

'Warcraft III' New Bonus Map Available

by Thomas on Sept. 20, 2003 @ 10:10 a.m. PDT | Filed under News

A new Hellfire bonus map for Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne is now available for download (127 KB)..

Shattered beyond repair by powerful magics, the Orc homeland is a landscape of broken dreams and despair. Only those with an iron will can overcome the armies of Hellfire.

PC Preview - 'Law & Order II: Double or Nothing'

by Judy on Sept. 20, 2003 @ 2:48 a.m. PDT | Filed under Previews

Law & Order II: Double or Nothing offers a unique blend of adventure and mystery as it explores the intricate worlds of criminal investigation and legal prosecution. With game play divided between the investigation and trial, the player experiences the storyline from a variety of angles. Legacy Interactive provided us with a build, so read more for our preliminary findings ...

'Chrome' - Update Patch Available NOW

by Rainier on Sept. 20, 2003 @ 2:45 a.m. PDT | Filed under News

Barely out in stores Take 2 hase already released the first patch for Techland's sci-fi first-person Chrome. This upgrade is for the European edition of the game only (not available in North America yet) and brings your retail game to v1.1.1.0. This patch adresses rendering problems with Radeon 7500 cards and incorporates several single- and multi-player improvements/fixes. Be warned, your save games will NO longer function after updating. Read more for details & download links ...

'Halo: Combat Evolved' - Screens

by Rainier on Sept. 20, 2003 @ 2:24 a.m. PDT | Filed under News

“Halo” now makes its highly anticipated move to the PC, courtesy of Gearbox Software. “Halo,” enhanced for play on the PC, contains all the action-packed combat and thrilling gameplay that made it a smash hit for video game fans everywhere. Armed with a new arsenal of weapons and vehicles, “Halo” delivers challenges and surprises as well as intense online multiplayer competition exclusively for the PC. Read more if you are up for a 50 or so screens...

'Call Of Duty' - Screens

by Rainier on Sept. 20, 2003 @ 2:07 a.m. PDT | Filed under News

Players assume the role of different characters from multiple sides of the Allied forces and experience the bonding and brutality of war as they fight alongside their squad mates through a variety of missions, including battlefield assaults, search and rescue, stealth, sabotage, vehicle chases and tank battles. Heeding the call of duty, gamers step into the boots of a U.S. paratrooper, a British commando and a Russian infantryman as they take on the Nazi War machine through pivotal World War II battles and authentic military campaigns. Read more for some new screens.

PC Review - 'Ghost Master'

by The Cookie Snatcher on Sept. 20, 2003 @ 1:59 a.m. PDT | Filed under Reviews

Ghost Master puts the player in the role of a new Ghost Master; a spirit assigned the task of cleansing certain locations of all human activity. They will harness psychic energy, known as plasm to generate all manner of ghostly and psychic phenomena - literally scaring all the people away. The player makes use of the history of the site he or she is assigned to haunt, and gradually builds up enough plasm to summon ghosts and spirits from the Spirit World. These spirits help the player build up the Fear Factor, and eventually do drive away the mortals and achieve victory.

Daily Dose Of Boring Q&As

by Rainier on Sept. 20, 2003 @ 1:38 a.m. PDT | Filed under News