Archives by Day

March 2025


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PC Preview - 'Distant Guns!'

by Andrew Glenn on Dec. 22, 2005 @ 2:01 p.m. PST | Filed under Previews

Storm Eagle Studios today announced Distant Guns!, a ground breaking, heart-thumping debut of their all new full 3D Naval Simulation game set during the Russo-Japanese War 1904-05. Distant Guns! packs all of the essential features and utilizes Storm Eagle Studios proprietary rendering system for a totally emersive experience.

'The Sims' Honored By French Postal Services

by Rainier on Dec. 22, 2005 @ 1:39 p.m. PST | Filed under News

EA today announced that the French postal service, La Poste, has honored The Sims franchise with an official postage stamp. Published in limited edition of 3 million units, Les Sims is one of 10 stamps in the "Heroes of Videogames" collection featuring the industry's most beloved icons. The set will retail for 2.65 euros (approximately $3.09 USD) and is available now in French post offices and through La Poste's website at

'Starship Troopers' - v5.24 Patch Available NOW

by Rainier on Dec. 22, 2005 @ 1:36 p.m. PST | Filed under News

Empire has released a new patch for Strangelite's FPS Starship Troopers, bringing any Euro/US retail game to v5.24 and adds 4 new deathmatch maps (Bait, Duel, Hill, Offensive), three new coop maps (Bait, Psiops, Stronghold), the usual crash and bug fixes, but also new shader option and several new features. Read more for detailed fixlist and download links ...

'The Chronicles of Spellborn' - 22 New Screens

by Rainier on Dec. 22, 2005 @ 1:21 p.m. PST | Filed under News

The Chronicles of Spellborn is a massively multiplayer online role-playing game set in the Enclave of the Five Sacrifices. Developed by Dutch studio Khaeon Games, previously known for Alpha Black Zero, Spellborn uses the Unreal 2.5 Engine. The closed beta test is currently underway, more people will be allowed to join in the coming months.

'X³: Reunion' - v1.3 Patch Available NOW

by Rainier on Dec. 22, 2005 @ 1:18 p.m. PST | Filed under News

KOCH Media has released a new patch for EgoSoft's space-combat exploration game X³: REUNION. This update brings your retail game to v1.3 and adds important features to the game as well as fixing a number of problems that players experienced. It also improves the game-balance in key areas such as combat and the economy. Read more for detailed fixlist and download links ...

'The Movies' Gets Malkovich Clothes Line

by Rainier on Dec. 22, 2005 @ 12:55 p.m. PST | Filed under News

When the paparazzi in Lionhead Studios' The Movies game shout, "Who are you wearing?" virtual stars will now respond, "John Malkovich, Uncle Kimono!" Activision, has signed a deal with the popular actor's clothing company to have clothing from his "Uncle Kimono" Collection featured as downloadable costumes for outfitting the stars in The Movies, currently available in retail stores nationwide.

'Cuban Missile Crisis: The Aftermath' Rolls Into Stores

by Rainier on Dec. 22, 2005 @ 12:50 p.m. PST | Filed under News

Strategy First and Russian publisher 1C Company announced today that “Cuban Missile Crisis: The Aftermath” has shipped to North American retailers nationwide.

'UFO: Aftershock' - v1.2 Patch Available NOW

by Rainier on Dec. 22, 2005 @ 6:17 a.m. PST | Filed under News

UFO: Aftershock follows directly from one of the endings of UFO: Aftermath, where the player agrees to hand over the Earth to the Alien scientists, who are trying to change the planet into a giant living organism. Cenega has released the first patch bringing your retail game to v1.2 addresses some v1.1 issues, tactical mode problems, several stats displays and Polish localization.

'Frame City Killer' (X360) - 22 New Screens

by Rainier on Dec. 22, 2005 @ 3:28 a.m. PST | Filed under News

Frame City Killer is a next-generation action game for the Xbox 360. Featuring astoundingly detailed graphics powered by the Unreal Engine 3 and immersive, non-linear gameplay, Frame City Killer is set to deliver an intense gaming experience this holiday season in North America and Europe.

'Ace Combat Zero: The Belkan War' (PS2) - 45 New Screens

by Rainier on Dec. 22, 2005 @ 2:57 a.m. PST | Filed under News

Ace Combat Zero: The Belkan War will challenge players to develop their high-flying reputations while facing off against rival pilots in white-knuckled dog fights. Read more for details and screens ...

'Wrestle Kingdom' (X360) Being Pulled Off The Shelves

by Rainier on Dec. 22, 2005 @ 2:42 a.m. PST | Filed under News

Yuke's, known for THQ's SmackDown!, has just released its Xbox 360 pro-wrestling game based on Japanese wrestlers, Wrestle Kingdom. Unfortunately it is being pulled off the Japanese stores shelves due to a bug that prevents the title from recognizing the correct hard drive space, thus making it impossible for gamers to save their progress. People using a memory unit for saving game data will not be affected by this problem.

'MVP 06 NCAA Baseball' (PS2/Xbox) Developer Interview

by Rainier on Dec. 22, 2005 @ 1:10 a.m. PST | Filed under Interviews

MVP 06 NCAA Baseball is being produced by Electronic Arts Canada in Vancouver, B.C., and will celebrate everything that makes NCAA baseball unique -- aluminum bats, intense action, and stadiums filled with school spirit and packed with passionate fans. At bat today is a pre-canned interview with EA producer Ben Brinkman.

'Dr. Sudoku' (GBA) - Screens

by Rainier on Dec. 22, 2005 @ 12:50 a.m. PST | Filed under News

Mastiff wants to make the international numbers puzzle phenomenon, Sudoku, more popular than Santa Claus. The company will be releasing the first video game version of Sudoku, "Dr. Sudoku" for the Game Boy Advance in February 2006.

GBA Review - 'Hi Hi Puffy Ami Yumi: Kaznapped!'

by Katarani on Dec. 22, 2005 @ 12:45 a.m. PST | Filed under Reviews

Hi Hi Puffy Ami Yumi introduces a brand new gaming genre - the 'Rock 'n' Roll Brawler.' This action packed adventure allows players to call upon the powers of rock and roll to defeat their enemies as they travel the globe using only their instruments as weapons!

Xbox Review - 'America's Army: Rise of a Soldier'

by Justin on Dec. 22, 2005 @ 12:32 a.m. PST | Filed under Reviews

Built in partnership with the U.S. Army, and developed by Secret Level, America's Army: Rise of a Soldier offers the most true-to-life Army experience, allowing you to create a soldier and take him through the thrills and adventure of an army career. Intense single-player missions and high-adrenaline multiplayer action build the skills of your soldier and advance him through his career.