Wonder what is all going on over at Activision. It's dropping various franchises and closing half a dozen development studios — several of which they acquired only a two years ago. The Guitar Hero titles losing their appeal should not have come as a surprise; I thought it would have happened sooner since they were milking the franchise and putting out titles like there was no tomorrow. There hasn't been a good Tony Hawk title in a while, either, and it's no wonder that the investment in the Ride skateboard peripheral is also being questioned. Now, on to milking the Call Of Duty franchise!
This weekend, we're going to go see
The Social Network or
The King's Speech, just to catch up on some Oscar-nominated movies, have dim sum with friends, run some errands, and, if all goes well, finish building my PC. I've done some preliminary tinkering when our inet service was down earlier this week, so I have a head start!