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July 2024

The Operator

Platform(s): PC
Genre: Puzzle
Publisher: indienova
Developer: Bureau 81
Release Date: Aug. 22, 2024

About Rainier

PC gamer, WorthPlaying EIC, globe-trotting couch potato, patriot, '80s headbanger, movie watcher, music lover, foodie and man in black -- squirrel!


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'The Operator' Is A Conspiracy Puzzler Coming To PC Later This Month

by Rainier on July 4, 2024 @ 8:00 a.m. PDT

The Operator is a story-driven puzzle adventure inspired by X-Files and Her Story that can be completed in just 5 hours.

Welcome to the FDI. As our newest Operator, your role is to use your detective skills to assist our field agents and investigate mysterious crimes.

The Operator is an immersive narrative adventure where players will be assigned case files from FDI field agents. They’ll need to investigate each crime by digging for clues and piecing together key information. Whether utilising the Video and Photo Analyzer, Citizen and Vehicle Database, ChemScan, Notepad or fully functional computer console, players will have to use every tool at their disposal to solve murders, cyber attacks and the cases of missing people.

To find the truth, players must unravel a complex web of information and evidence, to piece together a story filled with twists and turns. Operators must follow the trail, no matter how unsettling, to unravel the mysterious narratives, and bring fugitives, such as the FDI’s Most Wanted cyber-criminal HAL, to justice.

Welcome to the FDI, Mr Tanner.

Time to clear your head, work through your hangover and start your first day as an Operator. There are plenty of cases to solve. Assist our field agents using your computer console and ingenuity to bring criminals to justice. Ready to make the world a better place?

When our field agents need support, they’ll call you. Help them by fact-checking, searching databases, identifying killers, and more. Each case will have evidence to evaluate, and it’s your job to dig into documents, connect the clues, and solve the mysteries.

You have the finest FDI **software to help with those challenging cases. Point and click through the Video and Photo Analyzer, Citizen and Vehicle Database, ChemScan, Notepad and a fully functional Terminal at any point to find out %^^** what you need.

To find the truth, you must follow the //** evidence **// and see where it leads, no matter how unsettling. %% But don’t poke into unauthori$$ed* areas without first notifying your **superiors {liars}**//.

WARNING: Any new $$** information **// on the cyber criminal known as HAL should be reported to your supervisor ** {jailor} immediately. For the safety of the general public and your fellow agents, please keep all ////**5%%%
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///// TRUST NO ONE /////

[End Transmission]

The Operator is coming to PC (Steam) on July 22, 2024.

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