Developed by Q Entertainment Inc., under the direction of the renowned game creator Tetsuya Mizuguchi, Child of Eden is a multi-sensory shooter that will send players diving into a kaleidoscopic matrix of synchronized music and mind-blowing visuals that will usher forth a landmark game experience.
Scheduled for a Q1 2011 release on the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3, the game will also be compatible with Kinect for Xbox 360 that will provide an enhanced gameplay experience as the player will become truly immersed in the game, with no physical barriers between him and the game world.
Child of Eden thrusts the player into the center of a battle to save Project Lumi, a mission to reproduce a human personality inside Eden, the archive of all human memories. As the project nears completion, the archive is invaded by an unknown virus. The player's mission is to save Eden from the virus, restoring hope and peace.
Key Features:
- Multi-sensory effect: A visionary entertainment experience that synchronizes stunning graphics and innovative sound design to electrify the senses. By bringing physics in synergy with spectacular visuals and audio, Child of Eden is creating the next-generation sensory experience.
- The world of Eden: Coming straight from Tetsuya Mizuguchi's creative mind: a unique, surprising, rich and beautiful world.
- Controls: Simple and natural. Designed for standard controllers and Kinect for Xbox 360. With no controller required, Kinect for Xbox 360 adds an extra dimension to the experience as the player truly merges into the game. The sensor will detect the player's body movements, allowing for a completely new multi-sensory shooting game experience.
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