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A.I.M. 2
A.I.M. 2 is a sequel to last year's action/rpg, taking place some time after the final mission of the original. Super's control had disappeared so that new opportunities became available for mechs. New sectors were opened. After the Reformation (the process which has much to do with the Beholder) mechs changed greatly, disillusioned, many of the old clans disappeared.
Game Articles
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'A.I.M. 2' - 16 New Screens
by Rainier on Jan. 1, 2006 @ 1:30 a.m. PST | Filed under Leipzig Games Convention - Leipzig Games Convention 2006
'A.I.M. 2' - Features, Screens & Trailer
by Rainier on Jan. 1, 2006 @ 1:30 a.m. PST | Filed under E3 - E3 2006 May 12th
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