Archives by Day

June 2024


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I Am A Vulgar Man! But I Assure You, My Music Is Not

by Rainier on Sept. 26, 2010 @ 12:00 a.m. PDT | Filed under MOTD

Ahh we started the weekend with good intentions and ended up doing almost nothing that we'd planned. No catching up on TV whatsoever. Not surprisingly, we ended up playing Vindictus and Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2 all Saturday, only to leave the house to meet up with friends and toss back a bunch of beers.

Hopefully we'll get around to it today, but we also have to slow-cook a few racks of ribs for dinner.

Maybe in between peeling potatoes and making corn casserole, we can squeeze in some TV time.

A Day Without Blood Is Like A Day Without Sunshine

by Rainier on Sept. 25, 2010 @ 12:00 a.m. PDT | Filed under MOTD

We've had a weak summer so far, but it should heat up a little this weekend, and guess what? We're going to be spending it in front of the telly. Most of our TV series have restarted, and our DVR went from 40% to over 60% full. Last night, we watched Castle, Chuck, House, and we have Bones, Hell's Kitchen, NCIS and Fringe at bat for later today.

Gaming-wise, I've been really enjoying Vindictus, Nexon's upcoming MMORPG. It's still somewhat limited in its functionality, and one of the big features, guilds, seems to be disabled so the jury is still out, but it's certainly fun.

It Seems I've Created A Monster. A Strangely Persuasive Monster

by Rainier on Sept. 23, 2010 @ 12:00 a.m. PDT | Filed under MOTD

Last night was quite interesting and fun. One of our longtime friends was in town for a visit, and we headed out for some drinks. We also got the news that he will be a daddy sometime next year, so that only added to our celebration.

If that weren't enough, a few hours into our drinkfest, a bus pulls up in front of our bar, and a bunch of nerdy people disembark, all wearing zombie makeup. We jokingly said that it was either Plants vs. Zombies or Dead Rising 2. Once we recognized a few of the Capcom PR folks, we looked at each other and collectively thought, "Hey, why weren't we invited to this gig?" The Capcom PR rep saw us and apologized, bought us a few rounds, and promised us a review copy on Monday — the day before the game ships. Uhhh, OK, I guess ....

I Can Feel It. I Can Feel It. My Mind Is Going.

by Rainier on Sept. 22, 2010 @ 12:00 a.m. PDT | Filed under MOTD

A busy day ahead. Apart from a hectic workday, I have to see the dentist for my six-month checkup/cleaning, and then in the evening, we're meeting up for drinks with one of our friends who is in town for a day. We'll see how that all pans out ...

We've been playing some more Vindictus, and we're really enjoying ourselves. Managed to get some old CrimeCraft gang members over there, so we're having a good old time. Next week, I'll have to take a break from all the hack 'n' slashing to chainsaw me some zombies when Dead Rising 2 arrives.

Buck Up - Never Say Die. We'll Get Along

by Rainier on Sept. 21, 2010 @ 12:00 a.m. PDT | Filed under MOTD

Now that the big conferences are all over it doesn't mean that things are going to quiet down, at all. The next two months are going to be crazy busy as every developer/publisher is gearing up to get their titles ready for the holiday season.

So over the weekend we rushed through our first half of Dexter season 3, now we got to wait for NetFlix to send the remaining DVDs. We also watched some Covert Affairs, and now we are all ready for the fall season to start on a ton of shows like House, Bones, NCIS, Human Target, The Good Wife and so forth. Busy times ahead indeed!

If You Speak My Name, I Vanish. What Am I? Silence

by Rainier on Sept. 20, 2010 @ 12:00 a.m. PDT | Filed under MOTD

Another weekend had gone by way too quickly, and I'm already looking forward to the next. Despite some high hopes, we ended up doing not much of anything. No surprise there, really.

We did some quick errands, watched some Rescue Me, played some Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2 and Nexon's upcoming RPG Vindictus. Grouped up with a few buddies and spent a few hours exploring the game and its many menus. I'm not quite sure what happened near the end of a big mission, but things started getting laggy to the point of being unplayable, so we called it a night. Overall, it was interesting and quite fun ....

If You Win, You Win. If You Lose, You Still Win

by Rainier on Sept. 19, 2010 @ 12:00 a.m. PDT | Filed under MOTD

Yesterday was a fun day filled with errands, watching Dexter and mixed in with some gaming. I've got R.U.S.E. installed but haven't had a chance to check it out yet. I've been too busy fending off the Zerg or Protoss in StarCraft II. I might also check out Company Of Heroes Online. I've been a big fan of the series so far, so that one is definitely high on my to-play list.

Summer's pretty much done with, so it seems to have quieted down concert-wise. We only have a Bad Religion gig, and unless there are some bands passing through that we don't know of yet, that should be it.

Musically, I've been digging Avenged Sevenfold, As I Lay Dying and some Five Finger Death Punch.

Since When Can Weathermen Predict the Weather, Let Alone The Future?

by Rainier on Sept. 18, 2010 @ 12:00 a.m. PDT | Filed under MOTD

We didn't get anything done that we had set out to do last night. We made dinner and played video games, which is a great evening indeed, so I'm certainly not complaining. I spent some time playing APB since it's shutting down soon, and there was also some Marvel: Ultimate Alliance 2 co-op action.

Society Tolerates Only One Change At A Time

by Rainier on Sept. 17, 2010 @ 12:00 a.m. PDT | Filed under MOTD

This week seems to have passed by quickly for some reason. I guess times flies when you are having fun!

Sorry to hear that APB is shutting down. I had just renewed my subscription for another month, and quite a few of my CrimeCraft friends had migrated over there, so we were having a good time. There's a rumor going around that Epic might be interested in taking over the game, it running on the Unreal engine and all, but so far, those are far-fetched whispers.

No big plans for this weekend, so we'll have plenty of time to catch up on Sons of Anarchy, Dexter, and maybe even see the new Resident Evil.

You're A Fine Doctor, But You've A Lot To Learn About The Army

by Rainier on Sept. 16, 2010 @ 12:00 a.m. PDT | Filed under MOTD

Oops, looks like somebody fell, conked his head and fell asleep! OK, maybe just the last part ....

The Tokyo Game Show has yielded quite a few announcement so far, and it barely started. Microsoft fired the first shot last night with a few nice announcements, so it'll be interesting to see what Sony and Nintendo have in store.

Last night we watched Weeds and the first episode of Dexter season 3, and he's got himself into a heap of trouble already. The season opener of Sons Of Anarchy was nice but nothing overwhelming, until the last minute or so, which made me scream "holy f**king shit!"  Yup, that good ...

You Won't Be The First Pig I've Gutted!

by Rainier on Sept. 15, 2010 @ 12:00 a.m. PDT | Filed under MOTD

Quite a few games shipped to stores yesterday, not the least of which is Halo: Reach, which already surpassed Halo 3 in concurrent unique users on its first day. That's probably why it was rather quiet yesterday; people were playing around with their favorite Spartan again.

Personally, I'm more psyched about the new season of Sons of Anarchy starting than any of the games on that list. I've got the first two episodes ready and waiting on the DVR, so it's a safe bet I'll be digging into that later today.

And That, My Liege, Is How We Know The Earth To Be Banana-Shaped

by Rainier on Sept. 14, 2010 @ 12:00 a.m. PDT | Filed under MOTD

The week is off to a good start, especially if you are a Halo fan. I'm sure quite a few of you are in line somewhere as we speak, waiting to get your copy of Halo: Reach.

If I get some spare time today, I'll check it out and see for myself what Adam's critique is all about.

We watched Kick-Ass last night, and while we expected it to be a mediocre flick with some comic book action, it turned out to be a visceral ass-kicking fest. Legs getting chopped off, throat-slicing galore, and countless blood spraying headshots by a foul-mouthed 13 year-old-girl. We surely didn't expect that, but we loved every minute of it.

Almost makes me want to check out the PSN title from earlier this year ... almost.

You Two Guys Musta Been Born In A Revival Meeting

by Rainier on Sept. 13, 2010 @ 12:00 a.m. PDT | Filed under MOTD

Another weekend flew by, so it's back to the grind.

We have a few more interviews lined up for you this week: Black Ops and Fable III to name a few, so if you fancy any of those titles, tune in later.

Played some Puzzle Quest 2, installed RUSE (haven't tried it yet), some StarCraft II (mostly co-op) and I'm trying to finish off Wolfenstein ASAP, so I can delete it and free up some space on my hard drives.

We watched some Entourage, Psych, Justified, and Hot Tub Time Machine, which, despite the ridiculous-looking trailers, was actually fairly decent.

Mildew Is Good For You, It's The Next Best Thing To Fresh Lettuce

by Rainier on Sept. 12, 2010 @ 12:00 a.m. PDT | Filed under MOTD

If you haven't done so yet, be sure to check out Adam's review for the upcoming Halo: Reach, which comes out next week. If you want to find out whether we think it'll be worth your hard-earned money, go read it.

It was quite a nice and hot day yesterday, so we didn't drive to do our errands and decided to walk everywhere. We wrapped up season 2 of Dexter, watched Our Family Wedding, and cheered Kim Clijsters on to her third US Open victory!

A Person Doesn't Change Just Because You Find Out More

by Rainier on Sept. 11, 2010 @ 12:00 a.m. PDT | Filed under MOTD

The pineapple cream cheese was a success yesterday morning. Very tasty! If you are looking for a new flavor, we can definitely recommend that one.

Halo: Reach Limited Edition just arrived, so I will be checking that out later today. Not a super huge Halo fan, but I've played every title in the franchise so far. Too bad there haven't been any PC ports since the abysmal Halo 2.

No big plans for the weekend. Catching up on some news stragglers, watching some more Dexter, and probably watching Resident Evil: Afterlife and/or Going The Distance.

Off The Record, On The QT, And Very Hush-Hush

by Rainier on Sept. 10, 2010 @ 12:00 a.m. PDT | Filed under MOTD

Ahh, our favorite day of the week, Friday! It's not only because it's the last work day (not really since we also provide weekend coverage, albeit in a reduced form) but also because we eat bagels in the morning. What is all the excitement about? On our trip to Los Angeles last week, we found pineapple cream cheese, so we're looking forward to trying that out.

No particular plans for this weekend, but we are contemplating checking out Resident Evil: Afterlife, and unlike Clash of the Titans, Milla Jovovich's latest zombie-fest is actually shot in 3D, so it should make for a pleasant experience.

Last night we watched some more Dexter season 2, and it seems the writers got over the transition hump from book material to their own inspiration. The first episode of the second season was a bit awkward, but the next two were quite good.

We Got Places All Over The Place

by Rainier on Sept. 9, 2010 @ 12:00 a.m. PDT | Filed under MOTD

In my haste to call an end to the big video game conferences, I totally missed Tokyo Game Show (Sept. 16-19), and while it may not be of such great importance as the Western exhibits, I expect that a few interesting announcements will be made.

We finally saw "Salt" last night, and while we had been wanting to see it, we all walked out pleasantly surprised at how good the movie was. We enjoyed it a great deal. It was suspenseful and had a few good twists, so it was definitely worth seeing. We also watched the first episode of the second season of "Dexter," and while the previous episodes were all based on a book, the series writers are now on their own, and it sort of shows.

Either You Bring The Water To L.A. Or You Bring L.A. To The Water

by Rainier on Sept. 8, 2010 @ 12:00 a.m. PDT | Filed under MOTD

Most of the big video game conferences are over — E3, GamesCom, Comic-Con, PAX — so from here on out, we're in end-of-the-year mode. Most companies will start preparing their year-end lineups shortly, so we have quite a few busy months ahead of us.

We watched a few more episodes of Dexter last night and wrapped up season one. The show revolves around a forensics expert (blood splatter analyst) who is also a serial killer, although he has a code of only killing bad people. It's quite good and just addicting enough to make you want to watch the next episode to find out what trouble Dexter can get himself in — and out of.

Drink Up, It'll Make The Whole Seduction Part Less Repugnant

by Rainier on Sept. 7, 2010 @ 12:00 a.m. PDT | Filed under MOTD

Home sweet home! The trip was fun, but as always, it's even better to be home again.

While we were waiting for our flight to depart, we watched Dead Snow (or Død Snø in its original language) and it was quite good, over-the-top and gory, which made it equally funny. Of course, we watched a few more episodes of Dexter and the latest Weeds.

All in all, it was a good ending to the long weekend, and now it's back to the grind.

Our condolences go out to the family of Relic lead designer Brian Wood, who was killed in a vehicular accident over the weekend.

I Picked You For The Job, Not Because I Think You're So Darn Smart

by Rainier on Sept. 6, 2010 @ 12:00 a.m. PDT | Filed under MOTD

Because we didn't think it was nearly hot enough yesterday, we headed out to the county fair, where it was even hotter! There were plenty of sights to see and much people-watching to be done. Even though we used sunscreen, we still have minor sunburns to show for it.

We watched a couple of episodes of Dexter last night. It's gotten a bunch of great press and tons of accolades, but we're just finally getting around to it. It's pretty good and looks promising so far ...

Labor Day weekend is winding down, so we're heading back home tonight. It's been good to get away, but it'll be even better to go home and plop ourselves on the couch!