Wanadoo E3 Lineup
by Rainier on Jan. 1, 2006 @ 1:30 a.m. PST | Filed under E3 - Pre - E3 2003
Game Developer Genre PS2 Xbox PC GBA
- DAoC: Shrouded Isles Mythic Entertainment MMORPG Feb. PC
- Rygar Tecmo Action / adventure May PS2
- Sniper Elite Rebellion Action / Stealth Nov PS2 Xbox PC
- Pilot Down Wide Games Action / Stealth - RPG PS2 Xbox PC
- Curse: the eye of Isis Asylum Entertainment Action / Horror Oct. PS2 Xbox PC
- IronStorm Rebellion First person shooter Nov. PS2
- Chicago 1930 Spellbound Tactical / action Oct. PC
- Ryzom Nevrax MMORPG Q4 PC
- Pax Romana Galilea Empire management