'WipEout Pulse' (PSP) - 24 New Screens
by Rainier on Jan. 1, 2006 @ 1:30 a.m. PST | Filed under Leipzig Games Convention - Leipzig Games Convention 2007 - Day 2
WipEout Pulse brings the iconic anti-gravity combat racing title back to PSP after a two-year wait. Pulse arrives with a full tank of innovation, bringing stylish new tracks, futuristic ships, high-tech weapons and an impressive 7 game modes to the high-octane speed, adrenaline-drenched, anti-gravity 800 kilometres per hour action you’ve come to expect from the series. Built to better even its critically-acclaimed predecessor, WipEout Pulse is set to become an instant classic and a must-have for PSP owners – not least because of its stunning visuals and overall enhanced game package but also its immediate accessibility: a new Training section