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July 2024


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Rainier's Articles

'Call Of Duty' - Update Patch Available NOW

by Rainier on Jan. 30, 2004 @ 9:37 a.m. PST | Filed under News

Activision has released a new patch for Infinity Ward's WW2 based FPS Call Of Duty. This upgrade brings your retail game to v1.2 and addresses Behind Enemy Lines and Search & Destroy gametype fixes, player and weapon balancing, as well as adding a new gametype "Headquarters', adding serverside ban abilities and various other features. Read more for a detailed list and download links ...

'AirForce Delta Strike' (PS2) - Screens

by Rainier on Jan. 30, 2004 @ 9:33 a.m. PST | Filed under News

AirForce Delta Strike takes air combat to a new level with unique pilot-characters, an immersive story line and scores of different planes. AirForce Delta Strike will appeal to casual gamers as well as high-flying speed-junkies. Stepping into the shoes of a highly-skilled fighter pilot, players will strap in to the cockpit and navigate a wide variety of creative missions on Earth, in space and beyond. Designed to deliver a unique arcade-style experience, AirForce Delta Strike is the only game that features over 20 pilots, each with unique skills and personalities.

'Knights Of Honor' - Screens

by Rainier on Jan. 30, 2004 @ 6:51 a.m. PST | Filed under News

As King, it is your duty to lead your people in their struggle to raise your kingdom from its humble beginnings to a position of power and prestige. War, diplomacy and a burgeoning economy are the means by which you increase your power and expand your influence. A unique Knight-management system will offer you brand new possibilities to enhance your personal strategy. Read more for new screens ...

PC Preview - 'Tribes: Vengeance'

by Rainier on Jan. 30, 2004 @ 6:24 a.m. PST | Filed under Previews

In Tribes: Vengeance’s single-player campaign, gamers become immersed in a roiling galactic thriller. Throughout the game, the player catches glimpses of other, interrelated stories that are unfolding behind-the-scenes. In addition, gamers are given the opportunity to experience the full scope of the single-player story through multiple viewpoints and characters. Powered by an enhanced version of the Unreal Engine, the world is brought to life with characters that have facial expressions and fully-realized personalities, vehicles that kick up dust as they pass by, and weapons that display spectacular effects.

'Ironstorm: World War Zero' (PS2) - Screens

by Rainier on Jan. 30, 2004 @ 5:36 a.m. PST | Filed under News

MC2 has announced it will release a PS2 version of its acclaimed PC action title, Ironstorm: World War Zero (previously known as just Ironstorm), in Q2, 2004. Developed by Rebellion ('Aliens Vs Predator', 'Judge Dredd'), Ironstorm is an all-action first-person title spanning 19 war-torn stages. Presenting an alternate history concept at the heart of its plot, Ironstorm is set in a shattered 1964 where the first World War never ended. The pivotal Russian October Revolution has seen history diverted as the insane Baron Ungenberg has crushed the Bolshevik charge. Read more to check out some new screens ...

'Championship Manager 5' Revealed

by Rainier on Jan. 30, 2004 @ 3:46 a.m. PST | Filed under News

In an interview with MCV, the UK's games trade mag, Ric Williams of Eidos Interactive reveals that North London-based Beautiful Game Studios is creating the latest Championship Manager title. BGS is a dedicated internal Eidos studio with 30 staff who have over 100 cumulative years development experience, and have previously worked on over 90 titles, 60 of which were football titles (thanks VE3D). Read more for details ...

'Unreal Tournament 2004' - Demo Coming SOON

by Rainier on Jan. 29, 2004 @ 11:31 p.m. PST | Filed under News

Beyond Unreal brought a chat log from 3DGPU's Unreal Tournament 2004 IRC chat online with, amongst many other people, Epic's Mark Rein. You can check the entire chatlog right here, but the most interesting bit of the conversation was : "MarkRein[Epic] The demo will be out within two weeks." We had Far Cry demo, UT2004 is next, now all we need is a HL2 & Doom3 demo :)

'Ultima X: Odyssey' - Screens & Trailer

by Rainier on Jan. 29, 2004 @ 10:57 p.m. PST | Filed under News

Ultima X: Odyssey is a next generation massively multi-player online role-playing game (MMORPG) from the award-winning Origin studio team. Powered by the latest version of the Unreal Engine and based on the renowned Ultima single-player role-playing series, UXO will enable players to create personalized legacies in a massive new online world and will be one of the first of its kind to offer private areas on demand within the game. Some more screens goodness & flythrough trailer ...

'Monster Hunter' (PS2) Coming To North America

by Rainier on Jan. 29, 2004 @ 3:07 p.m. PST | Filed under News

Capcom today announced Monster Hunter (working title), an exciting new online action game for the PlayStation2. Monster Hunter offers gamers the challenge of exploring vastly detailed environments confronting mammoth creatures and completing the numerous quests that await them. The game can be enjoyed either single player offline or four player online. Monster Hunter is scheduled for release throughout North America in the fall 2004. Read more for details ...

'DRIV3R' (PS2/Xbox/PC) - Screens

by Rainier on Jan. 29, 2004 @ 2:03 p.m. PST | Filed under News

Developed by Reflections Interactive, DRIV3R is an action-packed driving adventure game that stays true to its roots, incorporating the cinematic gameplay and gritty street crime of its predecessors with ground-breaking graphics and three mammoth, wide-open city environments: Miami, Florida; Nice, France; and Istanbul, Turkey. Check out some new screens (Thanks Jimmy!)