by Rainier on March 16, 2007 @ 3:20 p.m. PDT | Filed under
Full Auto 2: Battlelines puts high-speed vehicles outfitted with weapons and armor into fully realized and fully destructible urban street environments.
by Rainier on March 16, 2007 @ 10:23 a.m. PDT | Filed under
Namco Bandai announced its latest installment to the popular RPG Tales franchise, Tales of the World: Radiant Mythology. Players will create a hero to embark on a valiant quest to save the land of Terresia from the gripping force of a powerful evil, set on destruction.
by Andrew Hayward on March 16, 2007 @ 4:25 a.m. PDT | Filed under
Inspired by the Fast & The Furious: Tokyo Drift film, this game will immerse players in the underground world of drift racing. Set in a world related to, yet separate from, the movie, the game features a ground breaking drift mechanic that makes drifting accessible to both beginning and veteran racing game drivers.
by Rainier on March 15, 2007 @ 10:43 a.m. PDT | Filed under
In Hard Rock Casino players are challenged to try their luck at more than 20 different casino games, experience high-stakes arenas and invitation-only tournaments and win un-lockable upgrades to their fully customizable alter egos.
by Rainier on March 15, 2007 @ 8:48 a.m. PDT | Filed under
Dungeons & Dragons: Tactics offers an original, intriguing D&D storyline where you take on the role of a mortal child caught in a conflict of two competing dragons striving for godhood.
by Rainier on March 14, 2007 @ 9:43 a.m. PDT | Filed under
Got Game Entertainment announced taking over the North American publishing reins for Farmind's block-busting puzzle game Puzzle Scape for the PSP. Players will experience a hypnotic world of entrancing electronic music and brilliant, interactive evolutionary backgrounds, from cells to dreamlike landscapes.
by Rainier on March 14, 2007 @ 5:39 a.m. PDT | Filed under
Rockstar announces Beaterator, a powerful music mixer with robust beatmaking features, as well as a highly addictive collection of original music and rhythm games and challenge modes - all available in the palm of your hand.
by Rainier on March 13, 2007 @ 1:35 p.m. PDT | Filed under
Dave Mirra BMX Challenge for the Wii features, 12 different environments and 13 bikes to choose from. Each unique environment includes two race paths, and can be played in race or trick-oriented modes.
by Rainier on March 13, 2007 @ 6:10 a.m. PDT | Filed under
Crush is a new PSP exclusive puzzle/platformer developed by Kuju Brighton. Reminiscent of Exit, Crush is a thinking man's game, allowing you to transform a 3D world into 2D in order to overcome obstacles and move on in the game.
by Rainier on March 12, 2007 @ 10:57 p.m. PDT | Filed under
Earlier tonight, SCEA had a God of War II launch party at the San Francisco Metreon, where GoW 2 director Cory Barlog confirmed the previously disclosed PSP edition, stating that it will be an all-new game that is a continuation and fleshing-out of the PS2 version, with no rehashing of old assets. If that weren't enough, Barlog also revealed a PS3 version will be coming somewhere down the road, supporting 1080p, and SixAxis "rumble" support.
by Rainier on March 12, 2007 @ 1:21 a.m. PDT | Filed under
After Burner: Black Falcon is the first arcade-style flight combat title for the PSP, combining intensive air combat with explosive gameplay, whilst allowing players to relive the experience of the classic After Burner arcade game.
by Katarani on March 11, 2007 @ 9:01 a.m. PDT | Filed under
Thrillville queue-jumps previous theme-park games with its access-all-areas pass to adventure and enjoyment, placing a fully interactive and customizable amusement park at your fingertips, allowing you to experience the joys of creating and playing within their very own theme park.
by Rainier on March 10, 2007 @ 8:17 a.m. PST | Filed under
Using an enhanced ‘Tomb Raider: Legend’ game engine, the graphics, technology and physics bring Lara’s adventure and pursuit of a mystical artifact known only as the Scion right up to today’s technology standards and will offer gamers a completely new gameplay experience.
by David Brothers on March 10, 2007 @ 12:42 a.m. PST | Filed under
Chili Con Carnage is the spin-off of 2005's low-profile title Total Overdose. It combines a love of Robert Rodriguez-style Mexican action cinema, witty dialogue, and big explosions with Max Payne-style gameplay.
by Rainier on March 9, 2007 @ 8:53 p.m. PST | Filed under
Crazy Taxi: Fare Wars is an all-new twists to the classic Crazy Taxi experience including multiplayer modes that allow two people to play coop or competitively. Now gamers can relive the addictive, action packed gameplay of the original Dreamcast games, Crazy Taxi and Crazy Taxi 2, on the go.
by Rainier on March 9, 2007 @ 3:51 p.m. PST | Filed under
Dragon Ball Z: Shin Budokai Another Road will further give players the ability to experience intense WiFi multiplayer battles with the most thrilling aspects of DBZ combat, including counter-attacks, super high-speed bouts, flight and Ki (energy) management.
by Judy on March 8, 2007 @ 4:18 p.m. PST | Filed under
Full Auto 2: Battlelines puts high-speed vehicles outfitted with weapons and armor into fully realized and fully destructible urban street environments. Full Auto 2: Battlelines for the PSP will ship to North American retailers on March 20th.
by Rainier on March 7, 2007 @ 8:16 a.m. PST | Filed under
Eidos has signed a publishing agreement with Conspiracy for its billiards simulation video game, Pocket Pool, featuring advanced AI, real world physics, 13 scintillating pool games including 9 ball, 8 ball Rotation, Black Jack and Snooker.
by Rainier on March 7, 2007 @ 3:54 a.m. PST | Filed under
Test Drive Unlimited challenges players online to experience the most exotic and fastest vehicles on more than 1000 miles of diverse Hawaiian roads. Gamers win races, challenges, missions and tournaments to earn credits and purchase new cars, bikes, rare performance parts, clothes, apparel, homes and garages.
by Rainier on March 6, 2007 @ 7:01 p.m. PST | Filed under
Monster Hunter Freedom 2 borrows various elements from Monster Hunter 2 on the PS2. The handheld sequel will feature ad hoc and online multiplayer, as well as new weapons and new locations such as snow-covered landscapes. MHF 2 has shipped over one million copies since its Japanese launch a little over a week ago on Feb. 22, accounting for 39% of all games sold during the week of its release.
by Rainier on March 6, 2007 @ 9:51 a.m. PST | Filed under
Taking advantage of the Wii remote and Nunchuck, in Prince of Persia: Rival Swords players will be able to clash swords with enemies, execute speed kills and perform the Prince's well-known acrobatic moves such as running on walls.
by Rainier on March 6, 2007 @ 5:12 a.m. PST | Filed under
Practical Intelligence Quotient is back with more mind bending puzzles and features than before as D3Publisher of America announced that PQ2: Practical Intelligence Quotient will be available exclusively for the PSP.
by Rainier on March 5, 2007 @ 1:43 p.m. PST | Filed under
Full Auto 2: Battlelines puts high-speed vehicles outfitted with weapons and armor into fully realized and fully destructible urban street environments.
by Rainier on March 5, 2007 @ 9:04 a.m. PST | Filed under
Eidos announced that it will publish Traxxpad, an application which transforms the PSP into a powerful piece of professional music studio equipment.
by Thomas Wilde on March 5, 2007 @ 12:19 a.m. PST | Filed under
Teaming up for even more firepower, Death Jr. and Pandora will take on a variety of possessed enemies as they progress through an adventure that seamlessly blends smooth platforming, intense combat, complex enemy AI and a unique sense of humor.