Archives by Day

March 2025


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Serious Sam : SE v1.07 (USA) Patch Available NOW

by Rainier on April 23, 2002 @ 11:40 p.m. PDT | Filed under News

A new patch for Serious Sam: The Second Encounter is available now. This patch, which brings the Croteam FPS game up to version 1.07, fixes a number of issues and adds a few new features such as a skeletal animation system. The new patch is not network compatible with previous versions. Read more for detailed list and links on where to grab it!

Jedi Outcast 'Updated' Tools Available NOW

by Rainier on April 23, 2002 @ 9:55 p.m. PDT | Filed under News

Raven Software lead programmer James Monroe updated his .plan to point out a small problem in the editing tools for their 3D action game that were released yesterday. The previous page got updated with the right pack, go get em tiger ;)

'Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind' Goes Gold

by Thomas on April 23, 2002 @ 9:05 p.m. PDT | Filed under News

Bethesda Softworks announced today that the highly-anticipated role-playing game, The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind for PC, has gone to gold master and will be in stores the first week of May. Morrowind also be available will also be available soon for the Xbox video game system from Microsoft.

Warcraft III - Beta Update

by Thomas on April 23, 2002 @ 8:43 p.m. PDT | Filed under News

On the Warcraft III General Discussion Forum there is an beta update posted by Rob Pardo from Blizzard (thanks Blues).

We are nearing the final phase of the beta currently. Internally we are debugging the code, optimizing the game engine and making performance improvements, while also working on the single player campaigns. Within the beta, we are now going to focus on the balance of the game more then ever. It may be helpful to you testers to know the kinds of changes we will make or wont make from this point forward.. Check out full story below!!

New World Order - MP Test Update & Boxshot

by Thomas on April 23, 2002 @ 8:09 p.m. PDT | Filed under News

New World Order is a single and multiplayer team-based game where teams battle it out in environments and situations that could be taken right out of an action-movie. It is a fast paced action-simulator with attitude, switching between stealthy game play and adrenalin-pumping action, always keeping the player on his toes - never knowing when all hell will break lose... Right now the game devs' is counting down for the release of the public multiplayer beta, the final release is just a couple of months away…so.. Check out the boxshot below and read more about what Jim Malmros say's about the upcoming release of the public MP test for NWO.

Massive 'Kohan: Immortal Sovereigns' Update Patch Available NOW

by Rainier on April 23, 2002 @ 6:22 p.m. PDT | Filed under News

TimeGate Studios and Strategy First announced today that a new upgrade for the award winning Kohan: Immortal Sovereigns has been released and is available on and Coming a year after the initial release of the product, this upgrade should please fans of this ground-breaking title.

Infogrames Announces The Ultimate 'Nickelodeon-Themed Party Game'

by Rainier on April 23, 2002 @ 6:16 p.m. PDT | Filed under News

Infogrames, Inc. and Nickelodeon will crank up the fun factor later this year with the introduction of Nickelodeon Party Blast – a totally wild, ultra-competitive, all-out Nick party game featuring eight Nicktoons stars! Anything goes in this star-studded, multi-player Nickelodeon Challenge that will launch on the PC, Nintendo GameCube and will be the first ever Nickelodeon title for the Xbox.

Ubi Soft Challenges Nordic Ghost Recon Clans!

by Thomas on April 23, 2002 @ 5:40 p.m. PDT | Filed under News

UBI Soft let us know that they just tossed up the Nordic Ghost Recon Clan site and at the same time they challenges all Nordic Ghost Recon clans to a fight out. Here is a clip from the posting:

We dare you to face TEAM =UBI=, our own clan put together by our most prominent gamers. Send us a mail if your clan is ready to take up the challenge.

Nvidia & ATI To Support Windows Media 'Corona'

by Rainier on April 23, 2002 @ 5:03 p.m. PDT | Filed under News

Microsoft Corp. today announced that leading graphics chip developers ATI Technologies Inc. and NVIDIA Corp. will support new DirectX technologies that enables the highest-resolution video playback experience ever on the PC using the next version of Microsoft Windows Media Technologies, code-named "Corona." With this new technology, today’s PCs running the Windows XP operating system will be able to enjoy video playback quality far beyond what is possible on many high-end televisions today.

Nvidia Drives Development Of New 'PCI' Express Grahpics Interface

by Rainier on April 23, 2002 @ 4:59 p.m. PDT | Filed under News

In an ongoing effort to shape and define standards in the graphics industry, NVIDIA Corporation today announced that it is working with the Arapahoe Work Group to help develop the graphics bandwidth capabilities of PCI Express, the new Intel Corporation third-generation Input/Output (I/O) specification that connects computing subsystems and peripheral components at high-bandwidth speeds. A key contributor to the development of the PCI Express specification, NVIDIA has developed a high-speed graphics interconnect designed to evolve current PCI technology and address the increasing bandwidth demands of emerging graphic applications for multiple markets, including desktop PCs, mobile, workstations, servers and embedded communications systems.

'Antz Racing' (PS2/XBox) - Screens

by Thomas on April 23, 2002 @ 4:42 p.m. PDT | Filed under News

Empire Interactive today send us some screens from their upcoming title 'Antz Racing' for ps2 and xb. Check out 12 screens from the playstation 2 version and 8 screens from the x-box version below! "Release June 2002"

'Original War' - Site Update

by Rainier on April 23, 2002 @ 2:22 p.m. PDT | Filed under News

Original War, published in the USA in December last year has updated its website. Altar added more information about the game, first part of John McMillan's diary, discussion forum, technical support, many screenshots and artworks, complete MP3 soundtrack and map scenario editor to download. You can look forward to indepth multiplayer adviser, next parts of John MacMillan's diary, monthly poll, and contest! Check it for regular updates!

Door To The World Of 'Morrowind' Opens Earlier In Europe

by Rainier on April 23, 2002 @ 2:14 p.m. PDT | Filed under News

Ubi Soft Entertainment announced today that it will be moving up the European release dates for the highly anticipated role-playing game, The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind, by Bethesda Softworks. The PC CD-ROM version will be available in May, whilst the European release date for the Xbox version is still to be finalised.

PC Review - Die Hard : Nakatomi Plaza

by Rainier on April 23, 2002 @ 2:10 p.m. PDT | Filed under Reviews

Die Hard: Nakatomi Plaza combines the exciting elements of the original blockbuster movie with a pulse-pounding adventure game set in an interactive 3D environment. This single-player game features an event-driven storyline that follows John McClane in his life and death struggle to overcome a group of greedy terrorists, and in the process, save his wife, the other hostages, and hopefully himself. Staying true to the original story, the entire game takes place in the 40-story Nakatomi Plaza office building on Christmas Eve, with our hero "accidentally" called upon to thwart a large scale burglary attempt by a band of trigger-happy terrorists. Whats the verdict? Read more and find out!

TimeSplitters 2 (XBox) - Screens

by Thomas on April 23, 2002 @ 1:25 p.m. PDT | Filed under News

Eidos Interactive announces that TimeSplitters 2 is currently in development for the Xbox video game system and the Nintendo GameCube. TimeSplitters 2 will improve on many of the features that made the original so awesome and fun to play. Check out 70 screens below!

Divine Divinity - Technology Test & Screens

by Rainier on April 23, 2002 @ 12:34 p.m. PDT | Filed under News

Things are starting to get exciting on the Divine Divinity front. In less than 12 days our huge demo is going to become available for download, and as a teaser the intro movie from Divine Divinity is now being released. Read more for links where to grab this puppy.

Team Factor - Fresh Screens

by Rainier on April 23, 2002 @ 12:09 p.m. PDT | Filed under News

Team Factor from Singularity Software is the Special Operations, military action game that’s set to take the PC world by storm. The battle is on for your team to complete a series of dangerous undercover missions using a winning combination of strategy, strength and stealth.

1503 A.D Update Part XIX: Mongolian Arrows

by Thomas on April 23, 2002 @ 11:43 a.m. PDT | Filed under News

Time for a new 1503 A.D update. This time the 1503 A.D Web team updated their site with a King's Tale, Part XIX: Mongolian Arrows. Here follows a clip from the posting:

Crews and soldiers on the ships rejoice when we finally leave the intense cold of the Polar region behind us after a few days' travelling. Our fleet now passes some islands where fir and spruce trees defy the harsh climate and some hardy plants poke out from underneath the snow. Take me to the story!

SoF2 MP Test Cvar / Command List

by Thomas on April 23, 2002 @ 9:54 a.m. PDT | Filed under News

Rick Johnson from Ravensoft updated his .plan file with a quick summary of useful cvars / commands for server operators and clients. This document includes information on how to change movement speed, changing weapon availability, and various other items. Read more below to check it out!

Archangel - Screens & Features

by Thomas on April 23, 2002 @ 9:46 a.m. PDT | Filed under News

The action of ARCHANGEL takes place in three different epochs, in different locations and the player will have a variety of weapons depending on the setting. Game combines techno-thriller, horror and fantasy styles. The age-old legend mixes with technologically advanced reality. Read more below for new screens, gamestory and features!

Blizzard Announces Warcraft III Action Figures

by Thomas on April 23, 2002 @ 12:03 a.m. PDT | Filed under News

This year, the battle for the future of Azeroth comes home, with the up-coming release of three epic Warcraft III action figures: orcish war chief Thrall, dwarven mountain king Muradin Bronzebeard and night elf keeper of the grove Furion Stormrage. Find out more here! "Pretty awesome"