Archives by Day

March 2025


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Visit 'Savage 2' Website and Win A VoodooPC HEXX Extreme Gamer PC

by Rainier on May 30, 2006 @ 2:07 p.m. PDT | Filed under News

S2 Games celebrates the Savage 2: A Tortured Soul website re-launch with a 3-day trivia contest, starting on June 5, 2006. A series of shorts question will have visitors search the website for answers and participants will vie for Savage 2 beta access, free copies of the game, and the grand prize, a VoodooPC HEXX Extreme Gamer PC featuring SLI technology.

'Marvel: Ultimate Alliance' (ALL) - 35 New Screens

by Rainier on May 30, 2006 @ 11:54 a.m. PDT | Filed under News

Marvel: Ultimate Alliance features a deep, rich gameplay experience by offering total team customization, where players create their own team name, icon and vehicle, as well as establish their team reputation as they play throughout the story.

Nintendo's North American Release Schedule

by Rainier on May 30, 2006 @ 11:29 a.m. PDT | Filed under News

Nintendo today revealed its non-Wii release lineup for the rest of 2006. While the new Wii console will arrive in the fourth quarter of 2006, Nintendo has plenty of other things to keep people busy until then.

'Half-Life 2: Episode One' - 16 New Screens & Trailer

by Rainier on May 30, 2006 @ 9:43 a.m. PDT | Filed under News

You reprise the role of Dr. Gordon Freeman, who must immediately face the repercussions of his actions in City 17 and the Citadel. Freeman reconnects with Alyx Vance and her robot, Dog, as they continue their support of the resistance's battle against the Combine forces.

'Hearts of Iron II: Doomsday' - v1.2 Patch Available NOW

by Rainier on May 30, 2006 @ 9:23 a.m. PDT | Filed under News

Hearts of Iron II: Doomsday is a stand-alone expansion pack which includes the original and boasts a WW III scenario, a complete scenario editor, as well as an extended timeline. This v1.2 patch adds AI tweaks, bugfixes, gameplay balancing and various scenario adjustments.

'Soccer Life II' (PS2) Announced - Screens

by Rainier on May 30, 2006 @ 9:11 a.m. PDT | Filed under News

Soccer Life II is a management game with a difference. Set in the turbulent and exciting world of European football, it allows players to experience the ups and downs of life as both a successful team manager and a superstar footballer all at once.

New Firewall & Virus Protection Specifically for Online Gamers

by Rainier on May 30, 2006 @ 9:08 a.m. PDT | Filed under News

SteelSeries announced today a new partnership with BullGuard, specialists in user-friendly PC & Mobile security solutions. The two brands are together creating the world’s first dedicated security solution for online gamers.

'Runaway 2' - 6 Screens

by Rainier on May 30, 2006 @ 9:05 a.m. PDT | Filed under News

Pendulo Studios is working on a follow-up to last year's hit title Runaway: A Road Adventure, an adventure game with 3D characters with a cartoon look and high-impact visual features that include 2D and 3D in an unmatchable style.

'Galactic Civilizations II' Expansion Revealed

by Rainier on May 30, 2006 @ 8:59 a.m. PDT | Filed under News

While initially Stardock planned to release a mini-add-on with around two new hulls per ship style, along with a ton of jewelry (10 hulls total, plus countless other parts), a poll revealed that people were more interested in paying for a full-price add-on with a lot more content. The GalCiv 2 expansion will have its own features, story, plot, etc., mapped out. Two current civilizations are getting wiped out, while a total of three new ones will be introduced, and the overall tone of the campaign will be dark. Very dark.

'Super Monkey Ball Adventure' (PSP/NGC/PS2) - 20 New Screens

by Rainier on May 30, 2006 @ 5:32 a.m. PDT | Filed under News

Super Monkey Ball Adventure is an all-new, narrative-driven and platform-based style of gameplay, along with brand-new Monkey Ball abilities and a bunch of fresh new characters, adding 50 new and original puzzles to this new and exciting gaming experience.

Nintendo to Introduce Casual NDS Games Brand

by Rainier on May 30, 2006 @ 5:29 a.m. PDT | Filed under News

Starting in June, Nintendo will begin branding its more casual Nintendo DS titles under the new Touch Generations label, including titles that anyone can pick up and play, even with little or no experience with video games.

'Aggression: Europe 1914' - 8 New Screens

by Rainier on May 30, 2006 @ 4:38 a.m. PDT | Filed under News

Aggression: Europe 1914 brings the player the chance of re-writing the darkest history of the old continent. Between the years 1914 and 1950, every woman and man became slayers and victims in the most horrible war that humankind has ever suffered, and now, there is a chance to make things different.

'The Longest Journey' - v1.57 Patch Available NOW

by Rainier on May 30, 2006 @ 4:38 a.m. PDT | Filed under News

Funcom has released a patch for the original The Longest Journey adventure game, released in 1999, bringing your 2 CD retail version to v1.57, and fixes a crash at the altar in chapter 7.

'Halo 2' Not Cross-Platform Compatible, Won't Require DX10 Gfx Card

by Rainier on May 30, 2006 @ 4:21 a.m. PDT | Filed under News

Bungie has released some technical information about the upcoming Halo 2 port for PC. While it will require Windows Vista, it will not be needed for player to have a DirectX 10 compatible gfx card, as Halo 2 will work on DX9 boards as well. PC and Xbox gamers will not be able to play against each other, as Bungie thinks the two-year time frame between launches would be too big and not level the playing field. It will also pose a technical problem, as the PC version will have exclusive maps, and a map editor allowing the mod community to make their own material.

'Heart of Eternity' - 24 New Screens

by Rainier on May 30, 2006 @ 3:29 a.m. PDT | Filed under News

Heart of Eternity is a third-person action/RPG title, with a balance between action and role-playing elements. There are no levels in the game, and no new areas that require loading. The fantasy universe Sarcus is populated with humans, bloodthirsty orks, greedy dwarves, naughty elves, treacherous half-goblins, and powerful vampires.

Darkworks Expands Its R&D Capacity

by Rainier on May 30, 2006 @ 2:55 a.m. PDT | Filed under News

Darkworks, known for Ubisoft's Cold Fear and Atari's Alone In The Dark The New Nightmare, announced today it is actively increasing its research & development capacity, and is currently working on a new original title for PC and next-generation platforms.

PS2 Preview - 'Final Fantasy XII'

by Rainier on May 30, 2006 @ 1:45 a.m. PDT | Filed under E3 - Post - E3 2006

Final Fantasy XII shakes the series to its core with the introduction of a unique new combat system, while still honoring the franchise's reputation for epic storytelling, incredible spectacle, and compelling characters. Final Fantasy XII is undeniably FF, but it's also something completely different.

'Crysis' Going Next-Gen After All ?

by Rainier on May 30, 2006 @ 1:38 a.m. PDT | Filed under News

In Crysis, shooter fans will face a new kind of gameplay challenge requiring adaptive tactics and customization of weapons and armor in dynamic, hostile environments as mankind struggles to survive in the face of a horrific alien invasion. While Crytek's Cevat Yerli recently confirmed Crysis would be PC only, this job listing indicates that the German developer is actively looking for PS3 programmers. Whether this means Crysis is in the works for next-gen consoles, or is an indication of an all-new project is not certain at this point.

'Gears of War' (X360) - 15 New Screens

by Rainier on May 30, 2006 @ 1:07 a.m. PDT | Filed under News

Gears of War blends the best of tactical action games with the best of survival horror titles, thrusting gamers into the harrowing story of humankind's battle for survival against the Locust Horde, creating cinematic, high-definition visuals so intense and powerful, it feels like the gamers are controlling a blockbuster action movie.

'Birth of America' - v1.07 Patch Available NOW

by Rainier on May 30, 2006 @ 12:44 a.m. PDT | Filed under News

In Birth of America you control one of the major contenders in French & Indian Wars, and the War of the American Independence, trying to achieve military and political victory. This v1.07 patch addresses bug fixes, interface changes, scenario and gameplay tweaks.