by Rainier on Oct. 6, 2006 @ 11:59 a.m. PDT | Filed under
Europa Universalis III delves deeply into the areas of exploration, trade, warfare and diplomacy and is an epic strategy game where players take control of a nation and guide it through the ages to become a great global empire.
by David Wanaselja on Sept. 19, 2006 @ 6:58 a.m. PDT | Filed under
Europa Universalis III delves deeply into the areas of exploration, trade, warfare and diplomacy and is an epic strategy game where players take control of a nation and guide it through the ages to become a great global empire.
by Rainier on Sept. 18, 2006 @ 4:17 p.m. PDT | Filed under
At last week's electronics design show CEDIA EXPO 2006, Universal Studios Home Entertainment President
Craig Kornblau came out in support of HD DVD, compared to Sony's Blu-ray. “The reviews are in and HD DVD is hands down the leader in picture quality, audio experiences and interactive capabilities that have never been seen before,” said Kornblau. Recent head to head tests either came out
in favor of HD DVD, or
resulted in a draw.
by Rainier on Sept. 1, 2006 @ 4:28 p.m. PDT | Filed under
Europa Universalis III delves deeply into the areas of exploration, trade, warfare and diplomacy and is an epic strategy game where players take control of a nation and guide it through the ages to become a great global empire.
by Rainier on Aug. 31, 2006 @ 9:10 a.m. PDT | Filed under
DreamCatcher Games today announced that it is accepting applications for the Public Beta Test of its highly anticipated futuristic 3D RTS game, Genesis Rising: The Universal Crusade. The application process begins today, Thursday, August 31st, at 12:00pm EST and will close on Friday, September 8th at 12:00pm EST.
by Rainier on Aug. 28, 2006 @ 11:43 a.m. PDT | Filed under
Genesis Rising: The Universal Crusade is a futuristic 3D game that uses the best elements of RPGs within the context of a fast moving RTS game, set in a mysterious future universe where organic machines are built using genetic engineering. Originally scheduled for November 2006, it has been pushed back to early 2007.
by Rainier on Aug. 28, 2006 @ 10:50 a.m. PDT | Filed under
Universal Combat: A World Apart uses a new graphics engine, offer high definition first-person character models, new first-person weapon models and classes such as machine guns, fixed gun turrets and several new combat weapons. This patch brings your retail game to v1.00.17 and fixes a multiplayer master gameserver issue.
by Rainier on Aug. 11, 2006 @ 4:07 p.m. PDT | Filed under
Europa Universalis III delves deeply into the areas of exploration, trade, warfare and diplomacy and is an epic strategy game where players take control of a nation and guide it through the ages to become a great global empire.
by Rainier on July 18, 2006 @ 6:40 a.m. PDT | Filed under
UCSE includes new and improved technologies from all previous Battlecruiser / Universal Combat titles as well as various other enhancements and content. This massive demo features eight Instant Action scenarios, as well as a small upgrade file in case you have the previous UCaWa game.
by Rainier on July 5, 2006 @ 10:01 a.m. PDT | Filed under
Genesis Rising: The Universal Crusade is a futuristic 3D game that uses the best elements of RPGs within the context of a fast moving RTS game, set in a mysterious future universe where organic machines are built using genetic engineering.
by Rainier on June 23, 2006 @ 12:49 a.m. PDT | Filed under
Paradox Interactive's Europa Universalis III delves deeply into the areas of exploration, trade, warfare and diplomacy, characterized by immense depth and historical content that charge its challenging gameplay with incredible replayability value.
by Rainier on May 28, 2006 @ 11:41 a.m. PDT | Filed under
Universal Combat: A World Apart uses a new graphics engine, offer high definition first-person character models, new first-person weapon models and classes such as machine guns, fixed gun turrets and several new combat weapons. This patch brings your retail game to v1.00.15 and fixes a bug where you were unable to view VDD/SMD cargo contents in friendly crafts (including yours)
by Rainier on May 3, 2006 @ 4:51 p.m. PDT | Filed under
To mark the 10 year anniversary of the Battlecruiser franchise, 3000AD announced the final chapter in the Battlecruiser/Universal Combat series. UCLE includes new and improved technologies from all previous Battlecruiser / Universal Combat titles as well as various other enhancements and content.
by Rainier on April 27, 2006 @ 3:45 p.m. PDT | Filed under
Paradox Interactive's Europa Universalis III delves deeply into the areas of exploration, trade, warfare and diplomacy, characterized by immense depth and historical content that charge its challenging gameplay with incredible replayability value.
by Rainier on April 10, 2006 @ 3:10 p.m. PDT | Filed under
Universal Combat: A World Apart uses a new graphics engine, offer high definition first-person character models, new first-person weapon models and classes such as machine guns, fixed gun turrets and several new combat weapons. This patch brings your retail game to v1.00.147 and fixes a weapon disappearing issue when docking.
by Rainier on March 29, 2006 @ 9:07 a.m. PST | Filed under
Paradox Interactive's Europa Universalis III delves deeply into the areas of exploration, trade, warfare and diplomacy, characterized by immense depth and historical content that charge its challenging gameplay with incredible replayability value.
by Rainier on Feb. 14, 2006 @ 7:44 p.m. PST | Filed under
Paradox Interactive announced great news today for strategy fans of the award winning and critically acclaimed Europa Universalis series. The much awaited Europa Universalis III explores the areas of exploration, trade, warfare and diplomacy and is scheduled for release in Q1 2007.
by Rainier on Jan. 12, 2006 @ 10:59 a.m. PST | Filed under
Universal Combat: A World Apart uses a new graphics engine, offer high definition first-person character models, new first-person weapon models and classes such as machine guns, fixed gun turrets and several new combat weapons. This patch brings your demo up to date with the latest code (v1.00.11 retail patch from yesterday) and adds the same audio engine and various gameplay tweaks.
by Rainier on Jan. 9, 2006 @ 2:05 p.m. PST | Filed under
Universal Combat: A World Apart uses a new graphics engine, offer high definition first-person character models, new first-person weapon models and classes such as machine guns, fixed gun turrets and several new combat weapons. This patch brings your retail game to v1.00.11 and adds a new audio engine and various gameplay tweaks.
by Rainier on Jan. 1, 2006 @ 1:30 a.m. PST | Filed under
E3 - E3 2005 May 18th
by Rainier on Dec. 21, 2005 @ 11:26 a.m. PST | Filed under
Recently certain UK media outlets have been reporting on rumors that French media conglomerate Vivendi Universal might be interested in taking over SCi, who recenrly purchased Eidos. Today VU issued a statement saying any such rumor is incorrect, "In view of articles published in the UK press, Vivendi Universal denies any interest in Sci Entertainment and also denies having made any offer."
by Rainier on Dec. 1, 2005 @ 2:45 a.m. PST | Filed under
Europa Universalis II invites you to a global struggle for supremacy from the dark times of Jeanne D'Arc to the flaming wars of Napoleon. This patch brings your retail game to v1.09 (works for ALL English versions) and contains fixes for features, game balance issues, general bugs, multiplayer, stability and plenty more. Read more for detailed fix list and download links ...
by Rainier on Nov. 14, 2005 @ 2:11 a.m. PST | Filed under
Logitech today announced the Harmony Advanced Universal Remote Control for Xbox 360, providing gamers and home-entertainment enthusiasts with a single remote that can completely control their game console and any other components in their entertainment system.
by Rainier on Oct. 31, 2005 @ 10:38 a.m. PST | Filed under
3000 AD keeps on trying to convince people to check out their latest game and has released an updated demo for its space combat game Universal Combat: A World Apart. This demo uses the latest v1.00.09 code, includes all 12 missions from previous demos, as well as tutorials, updated gfx and various other enhancements.
by Rainier on Sept. 16, 2005 @ 9:31 a.m. PDT | Filed under
Universal Combat: A World Apart uses a new graphics engine, offer high definition first-person character models, new first-person weapon models and classes such as machine guns, fixed gun turrets and several new combat weapons. This patch brings your retail game to v1.00.06 and adds performance improvements, and fixes various game issues.