Archives by Day

June 2024


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Rainier's Articles

'Black & White 2' - 11 New Screens

by Rainier on June 15, 2005 @ 2:35 a.m. PDT | Filed under News

Black & White 2 includes other new elements, such as improved graphics and Miracle effects such as rivers of fire and earthquakes that yield mass destruction. The game also includes weather systems that impact gameplay; players will see the impact of a drought that scorches the arid plains of Egypt or the effect of a heavy snowfall on the Norse Mountains.

'Auto Assault' Developer Q&A

by Rainier on June 15, 2005 @ 1:36 a.m. PDT | Filed under Interviews

Auto Assault combines vehicular combat with role-playing elements. Players explore a post-apocalyptic future in customizable cars, motorcycles, semis and even tanks. Players battle other players both in arenas and in epic race vs. race wars for control of the regions in a devastated Earth. Developer NetDevil answers a few questions ...

'Neverwinter Nights: SoU & HoU' - v1.66 Patches Available NOW

by Rainier on June 15, 2005 @ 12:42 a.m. PDT | Filed under News

Bioware has released the final patch for their 3D role-playing game Neverwinter Nights, and both its addons Shadows of Undrentide and Hordes of the Underdark. This upgrade brings your retail game to v1.66 and adds a new test module to the Aurora Toolset, fixes various issues and crashes, as well as several game balancing tweaks. Read more for detailed fix list and download links ...

'Coded Arms' (PSP) - 8 New Screens

by Rainier on June 15, 2005 @ 12:21 a.m. PDT | Filed under News

Coded Arms is a first person shooter in where you take the role of a computer hacker who infiltrates the abandoned virtual reality system. Gamers will use weapons and power-ups that they discover while exploring the expansive single player mode. Coded Arms will also utilize the PSP handheld system's wireless capabilities for multiplayer action for up to four people. Check the fresly launched Coded Arms website, or read more for some new screens ...

'Marc Ecko's Getting Up: Contents Under Pressure' Also Coming to PC and XBox

by Rainier on June 15, 2005 @ 12:10 a.m. PDT | Filed under News

Getting Up: Contents Under Pressure combines combat, action, adventure and stealth, using a thrilling graffiti-driven framework to tell its story of self-expression and the fight for creative freedom. Atari's recent financial statement lists Marc Ecko's Getting Up: Contents Under Pressure PC and Xbox editions for 2006.

'Extreme 4x4' (Xbox) Announced - Screens

by Rainier on June 15, 2005 @ 12:00 a.m. PDT | Filed under News

GMX Media today announced the release of its first console title Extreme 4x4. This is no typical racing game, it’s an action racing adventure which will give you the extreme thrill of racing at high speeds in dangerous territories with numerous reckless opponents!

'Battlefield 2' - Dedicated Linux Server Available NOW

by Rainier on June 14, 2005 @ 11:27 p.m. PDT | Filed under News

EA has released the dedicated linux server for the recent demo for DICE's FPS sequel Battlefield 2. We reported earlier about EA banned modded servers from the master server list, and EA has finally issued a statement that this is indeed the case. "Because some server operators have hacked the time limit out of their servers or hacked access to the unlocks, we have been forced to reinforce our intended feature set by delisting the offending servers. All violations of the EULA as described above will result in a 1-week ban/delisting."

'Half-Life 2' Source Engine Get Steamy Update #20

by Rainier on June 14, 2005 @ 11:19 p.m. PDT | Filed under News

Valve's SteamPowered website has been updated with details regarding yet another update for Source SDK, fixing a number of connection problems to the backend of VAC2 (Valve's anti-cheat technology for game servers). VAC2 currently only runs on servers in the beta group, but will be active for all servers very soon.. Just restart Steam for the effects to take place.

'Ballerium' Development Halted .. Again

by Rainier on June 14, 2005 @ 11:16 p.m. PDT | Filed under News

Majorem regretably announces today that development of its MMO-RTS Ballerium has again come to a full stop, as a result of an agreement signed with Interplay's in December 2004 that could not be realized, apparently due to Interplay's inability to raise the required funding to turn Majorem's technology into a game. The agreement, signed in december was to see Interplay provide Majorem with the means to launch Ballerium this summer. As a result of this new situation, Majorem now considers to accept new offers for the licensing of its MMO-RTS technology (and an almost ready MMO-RTS game) to interested third parties. Inquiries can be sent to

'Star Wars Galaxies' Adds New Content - Screens

by Rainier on June 14, 2005 @ 1:15 p.m. PDT | Filed under News

LucasArts and SOE continue to enhance their online glimpse into their favorite galaxy far, far away. This Tuesday's update features two particularly exciting additions. Three new elite creatures have been added for high-level players, each of which drops a signature trophy allowing victorious players to walk away with proof of their heroic accomplishment. Read more for details and screens ..