Archives by Day

May 2024


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The Trick To Not Feeling Cheated Is To Learn How To Cheat

by Rainier on Dec. 1, 2009 @ 12:00 a.m. PST | Filed under MOTD

I don't mind slower news days like yesterday; they give me a chance to catch up on stuff, like playing some CrimeCraft and watching episodes of Smallville and Criminal Minds. Because of last week's Thanksgiving holiday, there weren't many new shows on TV, so at least the list didn't get any longer. We also caught up on the rest of Glee and watched another episode of The Good Wife.

My Laser Light Guns arrived from Hong Kong, but unfortunately I cannot yet check them out since I have no games that work with it yet. They are in working order, so tomorrow, I shall bug various publishers to send me a few extra copies so I can start firing away!

Religion Is Flawed Because Man Is Flawed

by Rainier on Nov. 30, 2009 @ 12:00 a.m. PST | Filed under MOTD

The long weekend is over with, so it's time to get back to the grind. We have some eggnog cheesecake left, but no more turkey leftovers.

Not much happened yesterday. We ran some errands, and apart from that, we watched the latest Heroes, a few Glee episodes, Amazing Race, Ghosts of Girlfriends Past and Slumdog Millionaire. Yup, it was a busy couch and TV day.

How Would You Feel About A Genital-Shocking Taser Gun?

by Rainier on Nov. 29, 2009 @ 12:00 a.m. PST | Filed under MOTD

Home sweet home!

Sorry about missing the MotD yesterday. Too much food and a long day of shopping wore us out.

I managed to get a new graphics card, a Geforce GTX 275. The bad news is that my current power supply is so weak that the PC does not even want to boot, so now I need to look for a more powerful PSU. The joys of upgrading. Luckily, the Black Friday sales continue online on Cyber Monday, so I should be able to hunt down a good deal on that as well.

You Know, For A Dancer, He Is One Hell Of A Detective.

by Rainier on Nov. 27, 2009 @ 12:00 a.m. PST | Filed under MOTD

Thanksgiving is over, so we're all stuffed with turkey, corn casserole, stuffing, horseradish mashed potatoes, and eggnog cheesecake for dessert. Good stuff.

In a few hours, Black Friday begins, the biggest retail day of the year. Usually I don't even bother to wake up bright and early like all the other crazies, but I'm in the market for a new high-end video card for my gaming rig, so I'm going to brave the crowds to see if I can scoop one up.

I Really Am Ruggedly Handsome, Aren't I?

by Rainier on Nov. 26, 2009 @ 12:00 a.m. PST | Filed under MOTD

We're flying out to visit the in-laws in a few hours. You always think you have so much time to get things together and then it sneaks up on you and you have to rush. We'll onlly be gone for a few days, so luckily we don't have to pack suitcases full of stuff.

We did some last-minute laundry, cooked some eggnog cheesecake to bring with us, prepared the laptop for traveling, and made sure we have all the tools and latest updates — all while we were watching the latest episodes of NCIS and Castle.

If you're not American, have some turkey anyway. It's pretty darn good.

Well Why Don't You Give Me Your Number In Case Anything Happens To My Wife

by Rainier on Nov. 25, 2009 @ 12:00 a.m. PST | Filed under MOTD

Needless to say, we got a late start today. There's nothing to do about it but to catch up, which is what I'll be doing most of the day, I guess.

Luckily, it should be rather quiet. Most people will be traveling today to get to their Thanksgiving destinations. We're heading out tomorrow morning bright and early, so there will be no interruption of coverage — not until I'm passed out from a turkey overdose, anyhow.

You Know What To Do, Feed The French And Shoot The Germans!

by Rainier on Nov. 24, 2009 @ 12:00 a.m. PST | Filed under MOTD

In our infinite wisdom, we decided to check out a few new TV series that we'd been on the fence about, The Good Wife and Glee. Unfortunately, now we've decided to add them to our already-lengthy DVR schedule. Now we'll have even less time to actually sleep!

This week should be rather slim news-wise since most companies will shut down early because of the Thanksgiving holiday on Thursday, so expect things to really die down mid-week. We'll be off visiting the in-laws, but the laptops are ready and primed, so we'll be on the case no matter what.

I've been checking out Torchlight, and I must say that it totally sucked me in. It's not really about the story, but the game is just fun.  If you ever played Dungeon Runners / Mythos, or if you're an old-time Diablo gamer, then this is very much like it. I wish the inventory was a bit bigger, even with the additional space from your pet, but maybe that increases later in the game. We'll see.

Go Ahead And Sleep On The Power Couch. Your Training Begins Tomorrow, At The Crack Of Noon

by Rainier on Nov. 23, 2009 @ 12:00 a.m. PST | Filed under MOTD

The weekend is over, but it was filled with gaming, TV watching and sleeping. It was great!

We're basically all caught up, apart from a few series I have to watch by myself. While we munched on cookies and M&Ms we watched Amazing Race, another ep. of Heroes, Bones, V, and two movies, Superman/Batman: Public Enemies, and 17 Again. Going in, we were more excited about the superheroes cartoon, but oddly enough, the Zac Efron/Matthew Perry comedy/drama turned out to be the better movie.

We Roll Tonight ... To The Guitar Bite ... And For Those About To Rock, I Salute You

by Rainier on Nov. 22, 2009 @ 12:00 a.m. PST | Filed under MOTD

Yesterday was a beautiful day in the area, another nice fall day that's cold but sunny. Perfect for walking to the store to get our groceries — especially since we sort of live uphill.

Doing some errands was the only excursion of the day, so we gamed a bit (yes, CrimeCraft) and watched some Bones, Heroes, FlashForward and Fringe. If we watch some more later today, we might actually catch up!

I've gotten House of the Dead Overkill and Darkside Chronicles ready to roll when my zapper laser guns arrive, and it won't even cost me a fortune in quarters! I also ordered a black Wiimote and Nunchuk, which should be here in a couple of weeks.

You Just Stay Here With The Pork. They're Smarter Than You Anyway; You Might Learn Something

by Rainier on Nov. 21, 2009 @ 12:00 a.m. PST | Filed under MOTD

Don't you just hate it when you just can't seem to wake up from a nap and it turns into a five- to six-hour stretch? Anyhow, the weekend is here, so it's all good.

We plopped ourselves on the couch, put a few logs in the fire, and watched Stargate Universe, Supernatural and an episode of Flashforward before we succumbed to the sleep monster. Not a bad stretch of TV watching. If we can maintain this pace tomorrow, we might actually make a dent in the backlog.

Seems our Assassin's Creed II review kicked up a little dust. Sorry, Charlie; we call it as we see it.

I'd Rather Drink Turpentine And Piss On A Brushfire. I Ain't Touchin This One

by Rainier on Nov. 20, 2009 @ 12:00 a.m. PST | Filed under MOTD

I'm glad No More Heroes is making its way to the PS3 and Xbox 360, although I'd have preferred the new one rather than the original title. I always thought the content was way too mature for the Wii, and I don't mean in a blood & gore way. It probably showed in the sales numbers as well, hence justifying the decision to port it. Hopefully some publisher — I'm looking at you, Ubisoft — picks it up and brings it to North America and Europe.

We made a little headway on the DVR today as we watched Smallville, Supernatural and NCIS. Now if we could only keep up this pace, we may actually catch up. Luckily, the weekend is ahead of us, and we have no specific plans, so as soon as we watch Stargate Universe, we can tackle the rest of the backlog.

Still Lurking About? Don't You People Have Homes?

by Rainier on Nov. 19, 2009 @ 12:00 a.m. PST | Filed under MOTD

Despite our best intentions, it seems we are losing the battle with the DVR. We manage to watch a few shows, and two or three more are waiting for us the next day.

We watched the new Sons Of Anarchy, and it looks like there is going to be a major showdown at the end of this season. All the secrets are out, and scores will be settled! The new Castle episode was great as usual, and one of the highlights throughout the series so far is the actress playing his daughter. While her screen time is, of course, not as prevalent as Castle's, she always steals the show when she does appear.

You Either Die A Hero Or You Live Long Enough To See Yourself Become The Villain

by Rainier on Nov. 18, 2009 @ 12:00 a.m. PST | Filed under MOTD

Another big Tuesday shipping day. Good thing we don't have to pay for our games, or I'd be dirt poor by now! The new Scene It? and LEGO Indiana Jones 2 totally slipped my mind, but hopefully we'll be able to check them out soon.

My eBay-purchased zapper laser guns shipped, but they are coming all the way from Hong Kong, so it'll be a few weeks before they get here. I can't wait! Ever since I was a kid, I've always been drawn to the lightgun games, like Mad Dog McCree, and now I'll finally have my own setup.

Not much TV watching today, but we did manage to squeeze in the latest House. Hopefully, I'll be able to make more headway into the ever-increasing DVR backlog.

On A Long Enough Timeline, The Survival Rate For Everyone Drops To Zero

by Rainier on Nov. 17, 2009 @ 12:00 a.m. PST | Filed under MOTD

Today should be another glorious day for gamers! Plenty of new games should be in stores, including the hot hot hot Assassin's Creed II, Left 4 Dead 2 and Resident Evil: The Darkside Chronicles (lightgun game! *drool*).

We have a Capcom event to attend this evening to check out one of the new titles, so that should be fun.

If I have some spare time during the day, I'm going to try the Avatar PC demo. I'm somewhat intrigued by the setting and lore, but at the same time, I'm afraid the overwhelming CGI will bring it all down. I hope I'm wrong because I do want to go see the movie, as well as 2012, A Christmas Carol, Planet 51 and The Road, to name a few.

When They Tell You Not To Panic... That's When You Run!

by Rainier on Nov. 16, 2009 @ 12:00 a.m. PST | Filed under MOTD

We had high hopes on Sunday to get a few things crossed off our to-do list, but alas, we failed. It's not such a bad thing because they weren't all that important to begin with.

We did, however, see Boondock Saints II, and it was great. A little awkward with the inclusion of a new "gang" member, which threw off the trio's chemistry a little bit, but overall, the flick was great. If you were a fan of the original, you'll love the sequel, and if you never heard of the movie before, you'll enjoy it either way. While one of the quotes says, "Let's do some gratuitous violence," it's violence without being too over the top. A few dozen people die throughout the movie, but there's not a lot of gibs, guts or massive loads of blood.

Making A Girl. Actually Making A Girl. Like Frankenstein... Except Cuter

by Rainier on Nov. 15, 2009 @ 6:30 a.m. PST | Filed under MOTD

Yesterday was a fun day. It was one of those nice fall days that's kind of chilly but sunny; it wasn't cold, but it wasn't warm either. We had some friends come over, went out to breakfast, did some shopping, made dinner, and rubbed our bellies.

An impromptu visit to Gamestop got us a few old games, Zak & Wiki and Tales of Desperaux, and I was eyeing a Wii Perfect Shot lightgun for $15, but decided to hold off and see what else was out there. When we were at Target, I picked up a Zapper Blaster for $25, but then changed my mind at the checkout. When we got home, a quick check on eBay got two zapper laser guns for a total of $25 instead. Sweet!

Later today, we plan on seeing Boondock Saints II: All Saints Day and stopping at Asqew for dinner.

Actually, The Trick To Falling Asleep Is Trying To Stay Awake

by Rainier on Nov. 14, 2009 @ 12:00 a.m. PST | Filed under MOTD

We finally did it. We gave in and got a Wii.

We didn't do it for all of the colorful party and casual games, but I'm a sucker for lightgun games, so with Resident Evil: The Darkside Chronicles coming up, I simply had to get one. While I have yet to purchase a gun casing, we played some Wii Sports (bowling and baseball are our faves, but we suck at tennis), and we also have MadWorld lying around here somewhere. One of the other points of interest are the C64 games on the Virtual Console. Can't wait to check out some of the old classics!

I didn't manage to make a dent in my DVR backlog. Only watched Fringe (if you like Criminal Minds-meets-X-Files, this show is for you), and a few more shows were on last night, so I've got even more catching up to do. We did watch Stargate Universe (awesome!) and FlashForward (good!), however, so I guess it could have been worse.

That's Like Being Hit In The Head With A Crowbar Once A Day

by Rainier on Nov. 13, 2009 @ 12:00 a.m. PST | Filed under MOTD

I doubt that many people were surprised to learn that Modern Warfare 2 sold a whopping 4.7 million copies in its first day. With the success of the first title and the hype surrounding this one, you knew that it was going to be huge. I've been playing the game on and off throughout the day, and I have to admit that it's pretty intense, although I think it lacks a certain connection with the characters within the game. You play as various people, different nationalities, and you travel to locations all over the world. One of your first playable characters dies about 30 minutes into the game. So far, I've enjoyed the atypical shooter parts the most — the snowmobile racing, the wall climbing, etc. — which were fun to break up the pace.

In case you have not yet seen it, a first trailer has been released for the Clash of the Titans remake, and it's looking epic! We also watched the new NCIS and Sons of Anarchy, both excellent episodes. I've got a bit of a backlog on the DVR, so hopefully I'll be able to squeeze in an episode of Criminal Minds and/or Fringe during the day.

But wait, there's more! Tomorrow is Stargate Universe time!

Sometimes A Man Has To Be Big Enough To See How Small He Is

by Rainier on Nov. 12, 2009 @ 12:00 a.m. PST | Filed under MOTD

With Veterans Day, things were pretty quiet yesterday, so hopefully it will pick up again today. Didn't get to watch any war movies on TV, though. I'd already seen them multiple times or already own the DVD.

I did not get a chance to check out Modern Warfare 2 yet, but hope to do so later today. At the very least, I'm hoping to check out the single-player portion.

We watched Castle and checked out the series premiere of V, a remake of the early '80s sci-fi series. It's difficult to pass judgment on only one episode, but so far, it's pretty solid. We also checked out Be Cool, an older movie that we had in our collection but never got around to seeing, and surprisingly, it was much better than either of us expected.

You Can Get Further With A Kind Word And A Gun Than You Can With Just A Kind Word

by Rainier on Nov. 11, 2009 @ 12:00 a.m. PST | Filed under MOTD

Modern Warfare 2 is out, and we got our review copies, but I'll probably be getting my own PC version tomorrow. That's right on time for Veterans Day, so news might be a tad slower than usual, depending on how quiet things are in the rest of the world.

We watched the newest episode of House today, and we're looking forward to checking out Boondock Saints 2 this coming weekend. It's currently only being shown in limited theaters across the country, but it has already made some decent money and will be coming to our neck of the woods this weekend.

I was particularly saddened yesterday to hear that The Great Giana Sisters' creator died of a heart attack. It had recently been ported to the NDS, which I have yet to check out, but it was one of my favorite games on the C-64 back in the '80s, partly due to the amazing music from Chris Huelsbeck, who I had the chance to interview way back when.