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You're No Messiah. You're A Movie Of The Week. You're A T-shirt At Best

by Rainier on Nov. 10, 2009 @ 12:00 a.m. PST | Filed under MOTD

Wondering what games will be available in stores today? We'll let you know in a few hours, but if the past few weeks are any indication, there should be quite a few — unless everyone is trying to steer clear of the Modern Warfare 2 juggernaut.

We watched the latest Amazing Race episode, and it was good to see that it was a non-elimination round. The remaining teams may not be the strongest that the show has had, but at least they aren't so annoying that you wish they were gone, like a few of the couples from earlier in the race (I'm looking at you, beefy NY lawyer man).

A few weeks ago, we ran an article on Ubisoft sending people on a week-long trip to Italy to check out Assassin's Creed, raising the question of whether such "press tours" are excessive, and it seems there's more "scandal" where that came from.

Fame Has A 15-Minute Half-life, Infamy Lasts A Little Longer

by Rainier on Nov. 9, 2009 @ 12:00 a.m. PST | Filed under MOTD

By the time you read this, I'll be musing with friends over a stack of beers and buffalo wings, the perfect ending to a very relaxing weekend!

Our hiking friends did not show up as expected, so no surprise there. We spent most of our day in the couch watching the last few episodes of Flashpoint's first season, and the finale was excellent. If you haven't seen the series yet, I highly recommend it. We also watched Stardust with Robert De Niro as a gay pirate (I kid you not) and while it may all sound a bit flimsy, the movie is way better than what you'd expect.

Gaming-wise, I played some more CrimeCraft and got to level up that character. Played a bit of LittleBigPlanet PSP and briefly checked out Fairytale Fights, which had some odd controls that take some getting used to, but it's not too shabby.

Death Is Listening And Will Take The First Man Who Screams

by Rainier on Nov. 8, 2009 @ 12:00 a.m. PST | Filed under MOTD

What a perfectly good lazy day it was yesterday. With our early start, we got a lot of nothing done,. We ran some errands, and apart from that, a lovely nothing. Played some Crimecraft, of course, and some Borderlands; we also watched Bones, Supernatural and NCIS.

Today, the plan is to go for a hike, but our flaky friends seem to be MIA, so not sure if that's still going to happen or not. I wouldn't be adverse to another lazy day.

Going to do some work, and then off to sleep I go.

There's No Such Thing As Destiny. There Are Only Different Choices

by Rainier on Nov. 7, 2009 @ 12:00 a.m. PST | Filed under MOTD

As if our sleep schedule weren't out of whack enough, we decided to go to sleep early and get a head start on the day, waking up at 6 a.m. Yea, we didn't mean THAT much of a head start, really.

Last night's episode of Stargate Universe was nothing spectacular, but next week's looks promising. So far, all of the new episodes have been set on the spaceship, while the new one seems off-world, albeit via a message of warning from their future selves. We also watched FlashForward, and the series has been surprisingly solid thus far, so let's just hope they don't get lost in their own intricacies, twists and turns, like Heroes and Lost have.

Next week sees the launch of what will probably be one of the biggest titles of the year, Modern Warfare 2. While PC gamers seem to have been given the shaft multiple times over, I'm still going to check it out, but I fully understand the frustration. Who would have thought that a developer who got big on the PC would backstab their most loyal fans this way?

By The Way, Why Are We Wearing Bras On Our Heads?

by Rainier on Nov. 6, 2009 @ 12:00 a.m. PST | Filed under MOTD

We are SO ready for this weekend thing to happen! We don't have any specific plans, apart from a hike with some flaky friends, so who knows whether that will happen at all? How about we get through Friday before we start making plans?

I finally finished watching Drag Me To Hell, and it did not really get much better as it progressed, so I have no idea why people are calling this one of Sam Raimi's best works. I enjoyed Spider-Man and The Grudge, but if DMtH was the better stuff, I shudder to think what his worst is.

I also watched the new Sons of Anarchy, and they are slowly working up to a major confrontation, not only with the local sheriff and Zobel (some white power fanatic) but also between the MC's two top leaders.

That Wasn't Very Sporting, Using Real Bullets

by Rainier on Nov. 5, 2009 @ 12:00 a.m. PST | Filed under MOTD

It was a crowded day yesterday, with two back-to-back press events (Ubisoft and Square Enix) to announce upcoming games. You'll see some coverage on those titles in the near future, whenever the embargoes lift. One more to go later this week ...

Didn't get much watching done yesterday. I watched a bit of Drag Me to Hell but didn't get much more than 10 mins into it before things came up. Later in the evening, we watched another episode of Flashpoint, and I'm glad to see that the tail end of the first season mixes things up a bit with the scenarios. Good stuff.

Gaming-wise, we should be getting a Wii soon, hopefully. It's taken this long because there aren't many games on there that we personally find to be appealing. I'm a sucker for light gun games — can't pass one up at the arcades without popping in a few quarters — and with NERF N-Strike Elite having recently shipped and Capcom's Resident Evil around the corner, it had to happen.

We're Assets, Nicholai. Expendable Assets ... And We've Just Been Expended

by Rainier on Nov. 4, 2009 @ 12:00 a.m. PST | Filed under MOTD

Another huge batch of games is available in stores. Too bad that the game of the week, Dragon Age: Origins, seems to be a bit of a letdown on consoles, but at least the PC edition shines.

It seems we're going to have to look for a new DVR, as its antics are continuing. When it's time to start recording, it automatically turns on at the appropriate time, only to record ... nothing. Luckily, we had yet to watch yesterday's Castle, which is finally starting to show Nathan Fillion's gaming interest with a Guitar Hero cameo. Speaking of Fillion, last week rumors started flying around that Hugh Jackman was in the running to play Drake in the upcoming Uncharted movie, but I'd rather see Fillion throw his hat in the ring for the role. He loves video games, has the right sense of humor, and, dare I say, he even looks a bit like the protagonist.

Don't Nobody Understand The Words That Are Comin' Out Of Your Mouth

by Rainier on Nov. 3, 2009 @ 12:00 a.m. PST | Filed under MOTD

Today should be another crazy shipping day, with plenty of new games arriving in stores. I think I'm going to have to take a little break from CrimeCraft to check out some Dragon Age and Borderlands.

We watched The Amazing Race and last week's episode of Heroes since our DVR had a hiccup, and both episodes were good. Last week, I started watching Drag Me To Hell, and while a lot of people claim it's one of Sam Raimi's best movies yet, I have yet to be convinced of that. Granted, I'm only 15 mins into the movie, but so far, I'm quite unimpressed.

Later this week, we have a few more press trips to go on, so stay tuned as we'll be bringing back coverage, screens, trailers and interviews to keep you guys informed.

The Rush Of Battle Is Often A Potent And Lethal Addiction, For War Is A Drug

by Rainier on Nov. 2, 2009 @ 12:00 a.m. PST | Filed under MOTD

I'm stuffed full of food and beer, so the belly is very happy.

The week starts anew, with hopefully plenty of gaming goodness. With the run-up to the holidays, there are plenty of games still scheduled such as Dragon Age, Left 4 Dead 2 and a slew of others.

Not much else happened today. We watched a few more episodes of Flashpoint, which seems to have gotten better in story and production, so that's very promising for the series.

We Don't Need A Stretcher In There, We Need A Mop!

by Rainier on Nov. 1, 2009 @ 12:00 a.m. PDT | Filed under MOTD

Did all you trick-or-treaters have a good time tonight? Hope your baskets are either full of delicious sugary goodness or empty (burp)!

We went to see Paranormal Activity, and as expected, it was Blair Witch-esque, with people chronicling their antics with plenty of shaky-cam pseudo-documentary footage. While the movie isn't bad at all, there were more laughs during the movie than actual scares, and the most interesting bit was the last 10 minutes. It puzzles me that the characters' first instinct isn't to turn on the light when something freaky happens but instead wander into the dark. If something is suspected of coming into your bedroom from outside, how about you close the door?

We have a full day ahead of us tomorrow. We're going out to the city to have dim sum with some friends, and later in the evening, we're having drinks with some other friends and hopefully plenty of buffalo wings. Cheers!

Boy, I Bet You'd Stick Your Head In Fire If I Told Ya You Could See Hell

by Rainier on Oct. 31, 2009 @ 12:00 a.m. PDT | Filed under MOTD

Hurray! It's the weekend, our favorite time of the week! I'm sure most people won't argue with that.

Happy Halloween to everybody out there who partakes in the festivities. Hope you pulled out your scariest costumes, and some of you don't even need to dress up at all! :)

We used to get all dressed up and have a huge bowl of candy ready, but our area must not be very desirable because in the past few years, NOBODY stops by. Last year, we decided to no longer prepare anything since we only ended up eating our own candy stash for the next few weeks. Instead, we are going to hit the town with some friends, grab dinner, and probably see Paranormal Activity, or maybe we'll go off-script and check out Couples Retreat.

Why Do You Sound Like A Leprechaun?

by Rainier on Oct. 30, 2009 @ 12:00 a.m. PDT | Filed under MOTD

I know I've said it before, but wow, there sure are a lot of games coming out at the moment, and next month will be a real doozy with the likes of Dragon Age, Modern Warfare 2 and plenty of others. The ramp-up to the holiday season is always a good time to be a gamer.

One more day and it's the weekend again! Time sure flew by this week ... well, for me anyhow.

We have plans to hang out with some friends, but we also plan to check out Paranormal Activity and/or Boondock Saints II. We're especially looking forward to the latter; the sequel's been 10 years in the making, but we loved the first one, so this had better not disappoint.

Ah yes, and Friday means that it's Stargate Universe time!

Your Face Looks Like Robin Williams' Knuckles

by Rainier on Oct. 29, 2009 @ 12:00 a.m. PDT | Filed under MOTD

It was a rather quiet evening at our place. We played some CrimeCraft and Zuma's Revenge (finished the main adventure mode, now on to the unlockables) and then stuffed ourselves with homemade tacos. As Ricky likes to say, "Those tacos hit me hard," which resulted in us falling asleep 15 minutes into watching a new episode of Flashpoint. Yea, we're troopers all right ....

I'll have to cut it short so we can get on with the news!

Could You Stab Me In The Back A Little Deeper? I Still Have Feeling In My Legs

by Rainier on Oct. 28, 2009 @ 12:10 a.m. PDT | Filed under MOTD

After yesterday's slew of bad news, today was a tad better. While our DVR still seems to have issues recognizing new TV shows this week, CrimeCraft has settled down, and there hasn't been a single crash all day.

Last night's episode of Castle was great — one of the best ones yet. Fans of Nathan Fillion will no doubt have picked up on his Halloween attire being a tribute to Firefly. His daughter's comment was also awesome: "Didn't you wear that five years ago? Don't you think you should move on?" Luckily, one of the few shows the DVR did manage to pick up was the new Sons Of Anarchy, so I'm going to try and squeeze in that one later today.

The Only Thing The French Should Be Allowed To Host Is An Invasion

by Rainier on Oct. 27, 2009 @ 12:00 a.m. PDT | Filed under MOTD

Monday wasn't a very good day. It should have been, but it wasn't.

First off, for some reason, it was a rather slow and boring news day, which should have been perfect since the CrimeCraft devs were rolling out their free2play version and a content update. Unfortunately, something went totally sideways, and the game crashes like there is no tomorrow. We went from the occasional error to about six CTDs in 20 minutes. Judging from the response in the CrimeCraft forum, I'm not the only one.

After dinner, we were going to watch Heroes but our DVR flaked out and didn't record it. Damn technology!

All of that is small potatoes compared to the news that Triplepoint PR guru Rannie Yoo has passed away at 33 years young. Diagnosed with a rare cancer late last year, she passed away in the comfort of her home after having married her fiancé only days ago. RIP, Rannie. You'll be missed by everyone who knew you, however briefly it may have been.

Any Man Don't Wanna Get Killed Better Clear On Out The Back

by Rainier on Oct. 26, 2009 @ 12:00 a.m. PDT | Filed under MOTD

Hello World!

The weekend is over, so are you ready for another week of gaming goodness? I know I'm not! :)

We had good intentions yesterday, fully prepared to get some exercise, enjoy the good weather and make a run around the lake, but we got a sudden unexpected case of the lazies. Instead, we watched a Bones episode we missed earlier in the season and How I Met Your Mother. Apart from that, our weekend was filled with gaming (CrimeCraft and Zuma's Revenge) and napping. It was awesome. :)

You Have Been Weighed, You Have Been Measured, And You Have Been Found Wanting

by Rainier on Oct. 25, 2009 @ 12:00 a.m. PDT | Filed under MOTD

Today was great, and we've done all what we've set out to do, which amounts to a grand total of ... nothing.

Well, OK, not "nothing" — we did run some errands and get groceries, but apart from that, all we did was cook, eat and watch a whole lot of TV. Oh, and we ate some delicious Maui Gold pineapple.

We watched another episode of Flashpoint and Girlfight, which was Michelle Rodriguez's debut movie. It's an avant la lettre, or precursor, to Million Dollar Baby but less heavy. Then we wrapped it up with Anvil! The Story of Anvil. It's an excellent and emotional documentary about the heavy metal band Anvil, who, despite being credited by the likes of Metallica, Anthrax and Slayer as an inspiration, have never made it to the big leagues. They're still together after 36 years and 13 albums, and the whole time, they've been working regular jobs and playing small gigs for a few dozen people. The documentary finally gave them the jumpstart that they've been craving all along, and they are now touring with the likes of AC/DC and Saxon.

Ahh, I'm getting all nostalgic again. \m/

Why Do You Always Pick On Me? Who Am I, Charlie Brown?

by Rainier on Oct. 24, 2009 @ 12:00 a.m. PDT | Filed under MOTD

In case you hadn't heard, the weekend has arrived!

We kicked it off in style with Sloppy Joes for dinner, watched Stargate Universe (I love the sound of the spaceship), NCIS, FlashForward, and Dollhouse.

Apart from doing some errands and groceries, there's nothing planned for this weekend so there's time for plenty of gaming mixed with a hike or walk around the lake. Leveling up my CrimeCraft gunsmith is what it's all about!

We got our Dragon Age review copy today, so maybe I'll get to check it out, but you'll still have to wait until the launch date for a verdict. Damn embargoes!

It Doesn't Matter If You Win Or Lose, It's What You Do With Your Dancin' Shoes

by Rainier on Oct. 23, 2009 @ 12:00 a.m. PDT | Filed under MOTD

Lots of interesting stuff happening yesterday: League of Legends open beta, Star Trek Online beta sign-ups, Modern Warfare 2 coupon, and the launch of the Dragon Age web game. Speaking of launches, Windows 7 is being rolled out, and I must admit, I have been testing it for a few months now and like it. It's definitely an improvement over Vista, that's for sure.

TV-wise, I watched Criminal Minds and NCIS Los Angeles, but not one of the episodes of the latter has matched the promise of the pilot episode, so I'm considering dropping it soon. We also picked up a new series through Netflix, Flashpoint, which stars Enrico Colantoni (AKA Veronica Mars' dad) and follows a SWAT-type unit. It's pretty good so far, and I'm liking it better than NCIS: Los Angeles.

As it's Friday, we're one step away from the weekend, and since we don't have any specific plans, I think I'll do some hardcore CrimeCraft grinding in anticipation of next week's patch and free-2-play launch, which surely will bring in plenty of n00bs ready for me to plow through with my LMG.

You Couldn't Hit A Lake If You Were Standing On The Bottom

by Rainier on Oct. 22, 2009 @ 12:00 a.m. PDT | Filed under MOTD

Next week, we are invited to have a look at the first movie trailer of a big game-movie adaptation. While seeing the clip will be cool, the more interesting bit is the fact that the original creator will be present and available for an interview, so hopefully, we should have more on that next week.

Not much else exciting happened yesterday. If it did, you probably read about it during the day, so I'll keep it brief.

We watched the new NCIS and Castle episodes and while both were good, next week's Halloween-themed episode of Castle is what we're looking forward to. Nathan Fillion will be decked out in his browncoat outfit, a nod to the devoted fans of the "Firefly" series.