We were able to score an interview with some of the people in charge at MASA development who are responsible for the recently released RTS, Conflict Zone, published/distributed by UBISOFT. They explain us what new food they bring to the already crowded RTS table since it takes innovations to the genre to make a game stand out and MASA's R&D team claim to have found an edge. Read all about it in this rather LENGTHY interview.
by Rainier on May 29, 2001 @ 4:05 p.m. PDT | Filed under
We have received some disturbing news about the future of Interplay .. Or lack there off ... Nothing has been confirmed yet but usually where there is smoke .. there might be fire ...
by Rainier on May 28, 2001 @ 6:29 p.m. PDT | Filed under
EIDOS let us know that the God Space Strategy Sim game, Startopia, will be released June 15th 2001. Read full pressrelease for more information and gameplay story!
by Rainier on May 27, 2001 @ 10:09 a.m. PDT | Filed under
Electronic Arts's posted a new AVI trailer (4.5 Mb) on there web site that shows off both gameplay and some CGI pre-rendered footage from the upcoming title BattleTech: 3025.